CHAPTER 1 - Very First Time

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We met in a very unexpected way possible, I never expected that I'll find someone with whom I'll dream about to hold, hug, kiss and make her my everything. The thing is it's quite unusual I mean after I graduated, I never thought of doing a post graduate or higher studies because I don't fancy about studying. Anyway, after few months of graduation I decided to pursue my career further and I wanted to do MBA in finance so I told my parents about it and they said that it was really great that finally I have decided and got little serious about my life. During my college years I started a YouTube channel where I used upload gaming videos and it was quite popular well my channel reached 100k during COVID years and yeah it was a good thing but it wasn't my career though, I always wanted to do big and achieve bigger than what I had at that moment. So, I've decided to do MBA and got my name enrolled in IMS for CAT preparation which was an entrance exam for most of the B-School. I still remember the very first day when I created a WhatsApp group and shared it on the official telegram group and people started to join in the group thinking this one which I created was the official WhatsApp group, lesser they knew that a student created it. Well, I welcomed everyone and also many of the members also introduced themselves and we all chat for a day or so. In that moment I made couple of friends and, in that group, I hardly knew anyone so couldn't ask or DM them personally. Some DM me personally where I DM some of them and that's how we became friends but I haven't met her yet. After few hours of chatting, I saw someone which really caught my eyes and I wanted to know who was she. So, I DM her personally and saw her name it was Snigdha Bose. At first, I thought she was not a Bengali but after chatting with her I got to know she was half Bengali and half Rajput, which made me more curious to know about her. And from there the story begins of How I Met My First Love.

The very first day when we texted each other on WhatsApp, I don't know but I felt a very strange vibe I haven't felt ever. We chat literally till 3am, I mean that happened for the first time ever to me where I was awake so late chatting with a girl I just met in the group and just not that she was even replying me in seconds. Well, I asked her couple of questions like where she was from, apart from preparing for CAT what she does. So, she replied that she was from DDC and she was a college student and soon her Semester 3 would be starting. So, then I asked which college she was from, she replied she was studying at City College. So, then she asked me what do I do. So, I replied I was a graduate from Bangabasi College. It was really amazing and strong feeling, which made me think that was she the one? I kept wondering that day, I couldn't even sleep because of that feeling. It was really unique. When I woke up in the morning, I wished her good morning and after few minutes a text came from other side too, she texted me good morning. After freshen up and breakfast we started to chat again on WhatsApp and you guys won't going to believe it but we were following each other on Instagram became friends on Facebook in some time even she saw my YouTube's silver play button and I told her about my channel and she subscribed it too. Things were going really fast between us; I was happy even she was too. But before becoming friends on social media, on WhatsApp she didn't save my number until the next day so I was kind of curious how she look like, already I started to hard feelings for her without even seeing and after seeing her what would happen, I had no idea. She saved my number and finally I got to see her and I was unbelievably surprised to see her. I mean she was a living angel; she was damn cute and I already had feelings for her without even seeing her and now I can't possibly think that she would choose an ugly looking guy like me.

Later that day when we first spoke on call, we already heard each other's voice in voice messages and frankly speaking she loved my Shinchan's mimicry and she always ask me to do it until I was doing it every time which made her a bit awkward but still she really loved it and when she sent her very first voice message I was kind of shocked listening to her voice, it was totally sounded like a girl child first of all and it was so damn cute that even a stranger would fell in love if they speak to her for a minute or so. Then I asked her that can we talk on phone because I don't chat too much and she then said she was hoping to say this because she also doesn't chat much and she agreed to talk on call, and then we had our first call and yeah, it was not like other people who feels awkward, stay silent and nothing to speak about. We were like oh hell yeah, we were ready to rumble with 1000 of topics. She wasn't shy, me neither. During that call I asked her when was her birthday and she told me that it was on 4th October and I replied wow it was on the way, she replied yes but still many months left and then she asked mine and I told her that my birthday was on 9th Jan. After that we continued our conversations and she made me in love with her within 3 days, I mean was that even possible I asked myself before she told me that it was impossible. But the truth was it's really damn possible. I really fell in love with her in 3 days. And that time I did proposed her in most unexpected way, even I didn't expect that I'd say those 3 magical words to her so fast. Well, we were talking on phone late night I was on the roof and she was in her room after her gaming and dinner and we were talking about some random stuffs and suddenly what happened to me I just told her "I Love You". She was silent for a moment and then she asked me whether I was joking or not or ate or drank something, I replied her that I was totally fine and sane and I do love her a lot more than she thinks. Frankly speaking she didn't believe me at first and that was totally normal because no one would believe that but I had full confidence about my feelings for her. I told her that she might take all the time she wants because I assured her that I wouldn't going to force her to love me back, just take a month or two or a year, I don't have any problem. She kept asking me how was it possible that I fell in love with her without knowing her and without even seeing her in person. Then I said her that okay then let's meet and let's get to know each other better. She was hesitating at first but then in few seconds she agreed to meet me. That day we talked on phone till 2:30am and also, she asked that where should we go. I said that you tell me choice is yours and after asking her couple of times she said she is bad in choosing places and wherever her friends ask to go she just visit those places of course with her friends. Anyway, firstly I decided that we should go to Mani Square mall but then she said that it was too far and she had to come home by 7:30 to 8pm. So, I asked her then any nearby places we can visit and have fun? She then replied we could go to CC2, I replied okay then let's go there and after that we could visit Eco Park too. She was really concerned about the timing to return home and I assured her that I'd drop her on time and nothing to worry about. She accepted it and our first "get to know each other" scheduled successfully.

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