CHAPTER 3 - "First Date?"

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Oh, finally the day was here! Oh, wait not yet! There were still few things remaining to share before the D-Day i.e., Date Day. After I apologized and convinced her for the date, things were going as usual but there was a slight change in Snigdha's mood. Well, she wasn't talking to Piyali like the way she used to and I knew why, it was just because of me, when I told Piyali and made Snigdha a little bit uncomfortable in front of her. So, we were studying and for 1-2 days Snigdha's mood was same but later she again started laughing and gossiping with Piyali. It took some time but everything became great as usual. That day after the incident I promised Snigdha that I won't tell anyone about us, anything at all. Basically, to those who knows both of us and mostly the IMS mates knows us so none of them should ever know about us. Well even if they saw pictures on Instagram let them have ideas but no need to tell them and for that reason, I wasn't telling anyone even if I wanted to. So, before the D-Day we used to talk late night and I simply told my parents after she accepted to come to my home and my mom started asking me was that the same girl, I went out with her and I answered yes, she was the one and she would be coming on 7th April which was a week later but I informed my parents to the earliest so that in the last moment there would be no problem. Anyway, my mom asked me some general question about her because I hardly brought my friends home especially girls. I don't bring girls in my place so mom was a little bit confused and asked me whether I like her or not, so I said yes mom but I don't like her I actually love her a lot more than myself. I knew mom would say the same thing as Snigdha did, like you guys know each other for few days and how I started getting feelings for her. So, I told mom the same thing I told Snigdha that it feels like we knew each other for years and her likes dislikes, her vibe, her thinking matches with me. So, I asked my mom would it be okay if that day when she would come, you and dad would go somewhere like any relative's home so my mom replied okay they would decide later on. Frankly speaking that was my first date with her and we needed some privacy, if my parents stays home then we couldn't talk or have fun freely. There would be high chances of feeling awkward and the date would be a failure. At night when I was talking with Snigdha, I told her that I had informed my parents about her that she would be coming and that time she was like OMG Aditya you told your parents about it and they didn't say anything to you? And I replied why would they say anything to me I was not a teenager anymore, I'm an adult now so don't worry. She was so scared and she kept asking me if my mom says anything to her etc. I assured her that my mom was really cool and she won't be angry or hate her, instead my mom was actually happy that finally I love someone. Sometime even I used to think that was there anyone made for me and finally the person I had been waiting for years was just in front of my eyes now as friends but soon to be my girlfriend.

After her fear for that day if my parents scold her not went away, I asked her that we would be watching a movie and I didn't know what type of genre she liked so I asked her and she replied that she watches romantic and horror. And then I asked her that what we eat and drink that day, another thing was I was not good with alcohol's names and she suggested that the food department was mine and for her the alcohol department and frankly speaking except beer brands I didn't know any other alcohol brands. She then told me that to opt for B7 180ml and it took me 3 days to remember and I kept asking her every time "hey Snigdha what was the name of the whiskey you told me earlier" and she would reply like "Aditya you were so forgetful, it's B7 180ml" then what, I wrote it down and I also made a list for that day too, till date I still have that list. Well, the list was nothing just what to do on that day I just made a note so that I won't forget anything and not mess up. Talking about the list I wrote simple things needed for the D-Day like Pizza, Cold drinks, B7 180ml, Romantic or horror movie and that's it.

2 days to go for D-Day and I hadn't bought anything or prepared anything at all and that was making me very nervous because this was my very first date with the person, I love the most and also, she was my first love so due to that I wanted to make it perfect as much as possible. Before the D-Day I asked my bro for couple of tips for the date and my bro was giving me numerous ideas like buy flowers, make a love letter type note and I was thinking where the fuck I was going to get flowers around here, I told my bro it was Snigdha who's coming to my home, the person I love the most and I can't buy flowers which basically use for Gods & Goddess and well Snigdha was not less of a goddess, she was an angel in my eyes and still she is. Anyway, my bro kept giving me ideas that I could prepare a bouquet but not with flowers though, it would be made of chocolate and chips, Choco-bars etc. Well bro doesn't know that these things would cost me a hefty amount and it would be exceeding my budget too. Well, I told my bro that I can't spend too much because I was still living off my parents and they were still my backbone, I could spend and buy these things for her when I get a job but now, I was still a student and also, I told my bro that it would be better that if I keep things simple and natural. But damn, bro kept insisting me that do one thing to impress her and to become romantic. Then I replied to my bro that I was not so much of a romantic type guy and if I do these it would be unnatural to me and she might think that I did too much to show off, it would be a total failure. So, by then I thought that simplicity was the best choice and I did feel that Snigdha would love that too. One thing I knew that girls doesn't like guys who show offs and I don't have anything to show off so it was not in my blood. By the way I already told her that I don't belong to rich family, I'm just a guy who belongs to a middle-class family. I don't have a bike or car and also, I don't use iPhone and guess what these things doesn't fancy her and that's pretty rare in girls these days otherwise most girls love to have a boyfriend who have iPhone and also rides bike like KTM or whatever shit they ride, even I don't know most of the bike's names. Anyway, finally I decided that what should I do for D-Day and firstly I thought that I should make a note or letter stating my feelings for her which I would put it inside the chocolate's packet and it would be a surprise for her but then I dropped that idea because somehow it was feeling a bit cringe and she might think that an old school idea. So, then what I decided that I would just hand her the chocolate which was Cadbury Silk the normal one and I hope that would be enough, just simple as that and I felt that she like simple things like me so I kept things simple as much as possible.

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