CHAPTER 2 - "Us All The Time"

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Well after saying good byes I returned to the station to take the train to my home but that's not it actually our routes were different that means I had to take two trains to reach my destination. So, from her location i.e., DDC to DDJ one train and then from DDJ to BKP another train, yeah, it was quite a long route but anyway that time I really enjoyed taking long routes and also waiting for her. While I was at the station, she called me whether I got the train from her location or not and she then reminded me again to go safely and upon reaching home I should call her and let her know that I reached home safely. So, I was waiting for the train and also, we were talking on phone, well actually she was giving me company until the train arrives and finally when the train did arrive after 5 or 10 mins and I told her that the train was here and she replied go safely and be sure to call her. And I replied sure I would call her. Then we said bye again to each other and hung up the call. After reaching DDJ, she called me again and asked me how far was I, so I replied I was at DDJ now and waiting for the train to arrive and while talking to her the station master announced the train details and she said Well my train was here, I replied oh yes it was here and I continued that I'd call her after reaching and she replied okiee in a cute way and it really melted my heart, somehow I felt an immense energy after hearing her cute voice and I just got on in a dangerously crowded train without any hesitation or problems.

After getting on the train, I told her that I'd taken the train and I'd call her back soon and then I hung up after saying a proper bye. Upon reaching my station which was BKP, I called her and in seconds she picked it up and her first question was whether I reached or not, well I replied yes, I got off from the train and in just few minutes I would reach home. Thankfully I was carrying my earphones otherwise it'd be a problem to hold the phone because already my hand was hurting a bit due to that hot food. Anyway, we were still talking about most random stuffs and we were laughing heavily. It really was a paradise I felt while being with her and I really wanted her to be happy with me but I guess I tried too much and I was hard on myself and on her too. Anyway, coming back to the context when I reached my apartment, I told her that I'd call her back after I change my clothes and freshen up. So, I did call her but it was actually time for her gaming and yes, she plays PUBG Mobile at night starting from 9:30pm till 11pm or someday it stretched to 11:30pm too. So, she said that we would talk at night after her game and yes after her game she did call me and it was around 11:45pm when she was having dinner and I was quite shocked to know that at first because normally people have dinner before 11pm and she was having dinner so late so when I got to know that, I advised her not to eat so late it would cause indigestion but she said that it was her habit so I didn't force her and while she was having dinner we were talking about things and I asked what she was eating and that day she was having Roti, Chicken and Dal, wow so many items for dinner. In that moment she asked me what I had and I said that I had Roti and Sabzi (Curry). Then we started talking about our day like we really enjoyed it and we should go out again like this, she said yes, we should but the thing was her parents were really strict and that time the lockdown was just lifted but still she had restrictions well she managed to meet me and I told her that in future she would manage like this again to meet and go out, well she was laughing and saying yes "setai baki ache" (that's only left to do).

Now Let me share some random things about her, first of all her height was 5'4, pan fried Momo was her favorite and also mutton too, and yes Fuchka (Pani Puri or Gol Gappa) too and in fruits she loves Mango like me and that time every night she used to have mangoes after dinner while talking with me on phone. Well, I had too but not at night I used to eat at evening time. She also loves chocolate especially the Cadbury Silk normal one and the Nut one. Her first-choice color was Black which was mine too. And yes, as I mentioned earlier, she smokes but not addicted to it and also, she like to drink tea but her favorite was coffee. She was really concerned about her career and that made me adore her more and of course she's cute, her eyes, her smile, her cheeks are so soft, her hand was like a new born baby yes that much soft her hand was, the way she used to look at me it made me feel butterfly in my stomach, the way she talks was the cutest. Also, another thing I just recall while talking with her, one time I surprisingly video called her to show her that I hadn't yet started studying and also the books were here but still I hadn't opened them yet. So, she was hesitant to pick the call at first but she finally received it but the thing was she told me earlier that she doesn't like video calls but she still picked the call and surprisingly I saw her face on video call for the first time and it was actually happened before we went out. She was hiding her face with her left hand and after showing her she hung up and called me again in normal call and asked me that I didn't saw her right, guess what I did but I lied because she was feeling shy and embarrassed and I didn't want to make her feel more embarrassed so I said that I didn't saw her face, then she was saying that by mistake she forgot to switch the camera to rear and I was telling that it was okay no problem. Now coming to the main thing which I was sharing about her that from day one when we first started talking I generally called her every time because it's normal until and unless a girl feels for you or consider you as someone in her life or maybe give you a position in her heart, she would never call you except asking about something or help her to do something, that was the fact a guy needs to make a girl feel comfortable enough so that the girl could trust him, rely on him and then a girl may call the guy regularly or maybe often. And we were in that phase where she was half way getting 50 percent comfortable with me so I kept calling her from day to night and hardly she used to call me at first but the great thing was whenever we talk it used to take hours like it was never ending, full of topics. Well at first, we used to talk after noon then at evening then again at night after her gaming time and at night means late night every single day till 2 or 3am. Some more cute facts about her that she never got bored and this was the very first time who didn't feel bored by my stupid boring conversations and also from my stupid jokes and she always like literally always laugh on my silly dumb jokes and yeah sometimes it did happen that she didn't laugh because I guess those jokes were the lamest of the lamest. Anyway, let's stop here because if I say everything now then the story will end here and there will be nothing left to share.

How I Met My First Love? (PART 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora