He just gazed at the giant cat as he decided to hold out his hand for the other. The other just gazed at his hand than him then laid his head on his hand. Error chuckled as he rubbed the giant cat in the right places of which made the other close his eyes and look peaceful. Error hummed as he petted the giant cat with care and love.


The giant cat that now Error knew was Lion perked up and looked back. Error also looked to see two children going into their teenage years. One was a young boy with fair skin that had some paleness along with curly dark brown hair but Error could see some pink mixed in when the light hits it right. His eyes were black but pink diamonds were on the inside. The other was a girl with long curly hair and slightly darker skin coloring than the boy. Her eyes were also dark with some splashes of brown and amber. She also was red-rimmed glasses but Error saw no lense in them.

Error smiled at them when the boy hugged Lion while the girl smiled at the scene. They then noticed him of which made the boy gasp out loud when he saw the gem on his rib cage area.

"You're a Diamond!?!?! Like, Mom?!?!??!"

Error blinked as he looked at the boy closely then remembered about Steven Universe. Looks like he found Steven, the grandson of the Original Tri.

And he was adorable in person as well.

Error chuckled as he answered Steven.

"Yes, I'm Error but call me Era. I originally came here to talk to Rosa, or Pink Diamond about something but then I remembered the ceremony that was happening."

Steven gained this thoughtful look while Connie also looked curious.

"Yeah, I heard from Mom that it was very important but she wouldn't say why. She just looked sad and lost when we all ask."

"I can confirm as I was also there for support."

Error took a deep breath as he sighed.

"Well, I can tell you and anyone else what this ceremony was if I can ask if to see Pink's garden. Is that alright?"

That made the two children and animal look at each other.


[Sometime later....]

"So, let me get this straight, a Diamond came to Earth to talk to Pink but she was at the ceremony that we know nothing about and you will tell us what the ceremony was after you go to the garden?"

Greg looked at Steven and the gems with Error just standing slightly a few feet away while looking at them curiously. Steven nodded at his Dad with a smile while Connie looked sheepish. Garnet was stock as ever with Amethyst looking at Error with unsure eyes. Pearl looked thoughtful when she saw Error's gem while knowing something but can't seem to remember. Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth were also curious about Error but said nothing at the moment.

Pearl spoke up while looking thoughtful.

"Yes, though all of us are unsure as to why the other wants to go to the garden."

Error spoke up as everyone looked at him.

"I'll answer that. You see, I'm under a current countdown of which if I don't get certain healing then I have a high chance of shattering or dying in human terms. The only known place that would help me would be Pink's garden. I was going to talk to her about this but by the time I remembered about the ceremony I was already here."

Pearl snapped her fingers as she asked.

"That's the thing, what is this ceremony and why do you need healing from her garden? I can't for the life of me understand why she would leave without telling us anything."

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