Episode 9

37 6 4

Dedicated to Sharpmouth, sseasaltss, kodex6, Pius_1916, Sage_NINE, temi90top, sinmi1917, KingJhay1, Arnoldthedino, Mauyonskee

Episode 9.


A cold sweat broke out on my forehead. My heartbeat, erratic. My heart kept hammering. Threatening to break out of the rib cage.

Deftly, I took my phone from the nightstand, careful not to make any noise. I looked at the picture again. The dagger had the same design pattern as the one Dawn had been stabbed with.

My head was spinning.
How's it even possible that Nelson had the same dagger in his possession?
What was he even doing with a dagger?
Curious, I checked under the bed again.
There was a file there. Pulling it out carefully, I opened it and brought out all the contents. Lo and behold, there was a childhood picture of Dawn and her parents. There were other pictures of Dawn, even recent ones. There was a picture of Dawn's father, a younger version, with another young woman.

I was still looking through the pictures when the room door suddenly burst open, "Tems, the pizza is..." Our eyes widen together in shock.

I nearly had a stroke.

His brown pupils' contract and he heaves a sigh of defeat, "I guess you've figured it out."

With teary eyes, I watch the person in front of me. And I can't believe I've been with a lunatic for Two years.

"How could you?" I ask.

"How could I not?" He retorts, coming close to me where I knelt on the floor.

Now that he's up close, I don't see Nelson anymore. I don't see the boyfriend I've loved and cherished for two years straight. All I see is a devil.

"Why? Why did you do it?" I ask, the tears threatening to choke me.

"Why?" He sat on the bed, close to me. I was still on my knees with the file in one hand and the dagger in the other.
Shedding angry tears. I've been such a fool.

He relaxes, "I'm gonna tell you why? Twenty-four years ago. A certain man was on a business trip and he fell in love with a young woman. Soon, She fell pregnant and gave birth to a son. The man was nowhere to be found. He had returned to his family, leaving this young woman to fend for herself and her son. This young woman was disowned and thrown out by her own family. She lived in the streets, she suffered. She slept under the bridge. Endured the blistering cold, the scorching sun, and the hardship of the economy," He pauses to look me right in the eye.

"That man is Dawn's father, the woman is my mother and I'm the bastard son." He says through gritted teeth.

I freeze and my jaw goes slack. That explains the pictures.
He chuckles bitterly and then continues, "my mom died three years ago of pneumonia. It was then I vowed to search for the bastard who is the cause of my mother's death. I vowed to make his life miserable. I vowed to make him pay. I vowed to destroy him." He says, his voice laced with venom. Veins are throbbing on his forehead and hands. That's how angry he is.


He raises his hand to silence me,  "don't. Don't. Do you know what it feels like? Do you? Knowing you have a useless wealthy father who doesn't give two shits about you? Meanwhile, he's spending millions on his adopted daughter?"

He clenches and unclenches his fist,  "I came to this school with the sole purpose of finding Dawn. I wanted to start with his daughter first."
He gets up from the bed and paces around the room.
While he facing the other side, I silence my phone and dial the emergency number and send a message to the head of the student union before silently sliding it under the bed. I only hoped they'd arrive before Nelson kills me.
I knew for sure that there's no way Nelson will tell me all these and let me go scot-free.

"I came to this school and I made money. I found Dawn and I thought of a way to get close to her. It was then I found you," He comes to squat in front of me, sliding his hand down my face in a creepy way. I still can't believe I was in love with a murderer. I was searching frantically for the murderer whereas we slept together, on the same bed, and under the same roof.

"You were the key," He chuckles again, "I'm really sorry for using you."

Withdrawing my face from his creepy hands, I say, "you're not."

He gets up and raises his hands in mock surrender, "okay fine. I admit. I never loved you. I'm just a really good actor. And even if I loved you, making Dawn's father's life miserable was my priority."

"How did you even get into the hostel?" I summon the courage and ask.

He laughs again, a mocking laugh.
"Oh Tems, with money, everything is possible. I killed Dawn and I'm not sorry. I wrote the suicide note. I kept you with me and subtly tried to dissuade you from making any investigations. But I guess you're too smart," No wonder he kept telling me to stop overthinking things.

He averts his gaze to the dressing mirror, "Dawn's mom is dead as we speak." I didn't know when a gasp escaped my lips.
"Dawn's father will be dead the minute he steps down from the plane. I have guys taking here of that," He turns back to me, "and I, I'll take care of you," He threatened.

As if on cue, the sound of blaring sirens and protesters fill the air. Nelson panicked for a second and looked outside with wide eyes.

I knew that was my chance, I threw the dagger at him.
Aiming for his collarbone. Years of growing up in the ghetto weren't a waste as I hit my target.

Nelson grunts in pain and staggers towards me, "bitch!"
He throws a slap across my face and my head collides with the nightstand and all I see is darkness.

I feel intense pain in my head as I slowly peel my eyes open.
"Thank goodness," Someone says.
It's the head of the student union.
"Where's he?" I ask. That's my major concern.

He places a comforting hand on my shoulder, "The police is after him. He fled. He wasn't here when we arrived."

I collapsed again.

A/N; And this is the end. 🌚 From the bikini bottom of my heart, I'm Thanking y'all for the reads and votes. It means a lot to me. ❤️


Meanwhile, I have another book I'm working on.

Meanwhile, I have another book I'm working on

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Anticipate. ❤️

The beast in the picture✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum