Episode 5

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The sound of someone screaming startled me. I whipped around to search for where the sound was coming from but I couldn't find the exact spot. The sound seemed to be coming from everywhere. It became closer and closer and closer.

The four walls of the room I was in began closing in. I felt claustrophobic as I struggled to breathe. The same sound of someone screaming intensified. Panic mode set in as I strived to maintain my balance.

Just as the darkness of the room was about to consume me, I saw a silhouette of a person. Straining my eyes, I tried to figure out who it was.

Until I was startled by the horrifying sound of someone crying out(it was the unmistakable voice of Dawn) and the next thing I heard was the sound of a knife piercing a person. The screaming stopped and the silhouette retreated. This time it was my turn to scream.

I screamed myself back to reality. Thrashing about with my eyes closed. I felt strong hands holding me back down.

"Tems, calm down. Tems, ..."

It was then that I slowly peeled my eyes open, a hazy sight of Nelson is what I see first. The shirt Nelson gave me to sleep in is soaked in sweat. Gradually my heartbeat becomes steady. And I relax in his arms and place my head on his chest.

He pats my head and rests his jaw on my head as he mutters soothing words, "you'll be fine, b. It's alright, Tems. Everything's gonna be alright. You're fine. You're here with me."

My mind roved back to the dream, it was Dawn's voice. It was like she was screaming and crying out for help. A person doesn't scream when they're about to commit suicide, do they?. Suicide is willful and not forced.

Then the silhouette I had seen. Heck, what kind of dream was this? It's confusing and scary at the same time.

Sad to say but at this moment I was craving nicotine. I needed something to help me calm my nerves and relax. And cigarettes' the best man for the job. But I thought of Nelson and decided against it.

Releasing Myself from his arm, I plant a soft kiss on his lips and a smile spreads across his lips.

He ruffles my hair like I'm a kid and says, "Now that's my Tems..."

He's interrupted by the ringing of my phone. After searching for it for a few seconds, I find it under the bed and I wonder how it even got there in the first place.

It's an unknown number. Swiping the green button, I place the call on speaker. Nelson is sitting opposite me on the bed.

"Hello," A female voice says.

"Hello," I reply.

"Hello, Am I speaking with Temi Oni?"

I hesitate and exchange looks with Nelson.

"Hello, can you hear me?" The voice calls out again.

"Yes, I can hear you. Is there a problem?" I ask in no uncertain terms.

"No. No problem at all. I'm sorry about the loss of your friend."

I glance at Nelson before answering, "would that be all?"

She hesitates before replying, "Actually, I have request. I'd like you to come over to our studio. We're hosting a show about Depression and suicide and we'd like you to be our guest for the question and answer session. The time is 4:00 pm this evening. The venue is-"

"The venue is nothing. Shut the hell up and get out of my phone," I scream into the phone and switch from a sitting position to a kneeling position. Anger builds up inside of me and all I see is red.

"You're a stupid, senseless animal. My friend died and it's not even up to 48 hours and you have the shameless audacity to call me this early in the morning to tell me about one stupid depression and suicide show. You are an inconsiderate fool and if you dare call this number again, I will-"

Nelson grabs the phone from me and hangs up. My chest rises and falls in a fast pattern as I try to keep myself from exploding.

Rubbing the back of his neck in exhaustion, he gets off the bed and pulls me along with him.
"Just ignore them. Humans are really inconsiderate. Don't let that get to you...okay?" He pleads, pulling out a drawer and bringing out a new toothbrush.

He hands it over me, "okay?"

"How can she just call me so early this morning and be telling me nonsense. How does she even know my full name? How did she even get my number? Is she stupid? Is someone monitoring me? She had better not call me again or else-"

"Temsssss, " Nelson laughs lightly.
"Or else what, tems. Like I said, just ignore her, she isn't worth your time...okay?"


Done brushing my teeth and having my bath, I come out to see that Nelson has already set out clothes for both of us. "Are we going somewhere? Do you have lectures today?"

"No," He says, combing his dark full hair in front of the dressing mirror.

"We're just going to enjoy the serenity of this house," He replies sarcastically and I throw a pillow at him.

He chuckles before saying, "Joanna's mom called. She's awake. We're going to the hospital."

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