Episode 2

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My fear of police stations began the very day my father was arrested when he fought with our landlord over nepa bill.

It was my first time in a police station.
My dad was sitting in a corner, already stripped to only his boxers while our landlord stood by the counter holding his bleeding head in pain, screaming profanities at my father. Promising him he'll spend a long time in the station.

I stood by my mother who was crying and pleading for the police officers to release my father. A startling sound shocks the living daylight out of me. I feared that some hardened criminal had broken out and he was going to run out, snatch a gun from an officer and shoot everybody in sight.

By the time my mom had run around to source for the money for bail and my father was finally freed.
I prayed and hoped never to have anything to do with police stations again.

But life had a dark sense of humor and here I was, in a police station.
This time I wasn't here for my troublesome father. I was here because Dawn was dead.

I'm waiting behind the counter with Joanna who's laying her head on my lap and still sobbing. Her temperature has risen way above normal. Her whole body is burning.

The other students were questioned first before they're let out.
Then it was our turn, Joanna and I.
Joanna was taken in first and I waited patiently for my turn. I thought of all the questions they could possibly ask and answers I would give, so that I won't unknowingly and mistakenly incriminate myself. You'd be surprised how the wrong choice of words can incriminate you.

Before my mind could wander to all the possible reasons why Dawn would commit suicide, I was called in.
I sat in a room with dim light.
An officer was standing aright with his chest in the air and a straight(but funny) look on his face.

Dawn would have laughed at his physique if she was here. Joanna would have tried to do it subtly but Dawn would not give two shits. She would have laughed like a maniac and I would have chuckled because her laughter was contagious and Tricia would have just hissed at our childishness.

The officer sitting in front of me had the meanest stare a police officer could have. He looked like the type of officer that would make a person confess to a crime he didn't commit.

"Who are you to the deceased?" His baritone voice echoed in the room.

"Can't you just call her Dawn? She has a name, dead or not," I wanted to say, but of course I didn't.
I couldn't. But Dawn could and she would have. She was fearless.

"A friend and a roommate," I replied, my voice hoarse.

"When last did you see her before she killed herself?" He asked, staring directly into my eyes as if searching my soul. Like he could detect if I was lying or not.

"Yesterday, in the evening."

"Where did you go after that?" He asked.

I paused. I had gone to see Nelson, my boyfriend. We met outside a cafeteria, talked briefly. He kissed me goodbye and assured me he won't forget our date next weekend. And right after that, I went to the class for night reading with Joanna.

It was the first time Joanna followed me to read at night. She had two carry over and she was determined to pass her exams this semester.

On a norm, she would have stayed with dawn and they would have watched movies on my laptop and played loud music.
But last night was different, Dawn was alone in the room last night.
Tricia? She had gone for a sleepover with one of her numerous boyfriends.

"I said where did you go after that?" He asked again, his voice much louder. He looked impatient and infuriated. He looked like he wanted to slap me.

Deducing that the investigator would not be interested in my romantic life and how I had gone to meet my boyfriend right after I left the hostel, I settled for, " I went for a night class."

He drew his head backward and amusement was evident on his face.
"Oh! So you and Joanna went for a night class and left the deceased..." I winced.
"...alone in the room."

He paused and then spoke, "was this night class compulsory?"


"Do you have exams tomorrow?"


"I see. Now let me ask you, where's the fourth person? Your hostel guard informed me that you're four in the room. Where is she?" He questioned.

On its own accord, sweat had begun to pour out from every pore in my body, " I don't know." I answered honestly.

He looked at me for a few seconds before warning, "I advise you not to leave town. You'll be called in for questioning from time to time. There's something fishy and I'm going to fish it out." He stood up.

"Dawn committed suicide," I murmured and I had no idea he heard me.

"Apparently she did. But we all know people don't just commit suicide." He deadpanned and left the room without a backward glance.

Uncontrollable Fresh tears brimmed in my eyes and I broke down for the umpteenth time.
Why would Dawn do this to me? To us?

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