I hate the play room, when we go there I barely make it out alive.

They just sickly laughed and dragged me to the attic where the play room is.

They tied me to a table and started stripping me of most of my clothes.

"Please" I cried

"Just shut up please" John sighed.

He motioned to Brianna for the drug.

"No no please" I begged

"You never learn."

Than he injected the drug, making me whimper.

I started seeing dubbel, "n-no" I stumbled over my words.

I felt relaxed, while they tortured me for hours on end. I couldn't move, I couldn't escape.

I felt dizzy so dizzy dizzy dizzy dizzy

I couldn't beg for them to stop or plead I just sat there.

"NO" I shot awake.

I hate the play room and I hate all the drugs that they used.

The play room where they tortured me for hours on end. Where most of my nightmares come from.

Than the drugs, so many different kinds that they used on me. All the different things the drugs could do to me.

I was hyperventilating, while my fingertips started to become numb.

I started having another panic attack, when I felt dizzy and started shaking.

I stumbled to the bathroom and tried splashing my face in cold water, but it didn't help.

I grabbed my blade and dragged lines over my arm.

One for having nightmares

One for being a disappointment

I started feeling more aware of my reality

One for being a fat stupid monster

I stopped hyperventilating

One for ruining my family's life by meeting me.

I could feel my body again.

One for having a panic attack

One for cutting

One for everything

*knock knock* I snapped out of what I'm doing. Going back to panic mode.

"Angelo can I come in" Blake asked

" euhm wait" I replied.

I quickly washed the knife and hid my blade.

I grabbed some wipes and wiped my hands clean. I tried to wipe the bood away but it just kept coming.

Shit, I think I cut too deep.

"Angelo can I come in"

"Euhm yes but I-I'm in the bathroom wait just a second" I replied in a shaky voice

"Shit shit shit" I keep muttering under my breath.

I tried to clean the pool of blood on the floor, but the blood just kept flowing.

"Angelo what are you doing"

I didn't reply back I just need it to stop bleeding.

"Angelo I'm coming in"

"No n-no just wait" I replied my voice desperate.

"Angelo what are you doing"


"Val baby please let me in, I'm here for you okay. I love you."

Fuck.... Okay, okay I trust Blake. New start remember. I need to open up to people. I need to let them help me.

"You can come in" I replied voice cracking.

He came in and horror filled his eyes.

His little sister on her knees in a pool of her own blood that's dripping down her arm that she's trying to stop.

"Oh Angelo" he cried out before rushing to me.

The Long Lost Mafia PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now