chapter 6

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A couple weeks had passed, and it was finally time for Dream to fly to Brighton. This day couldn't come soon enough for Dream. He was extremely worried about George, because even in the time that he was waiting for the day of his flight, he had heard nothing from his friend.

As Dream walked in the airport, he compulsively checked his phone, praying for a text from George.

But nothing.

He boarded his flight and did not stop thinking about George the whole time.

Dream arrived at George's house. He rang the doorbell. No answer. He rang it again. No answer. Dream thought this would happen. He pulled out a tiny little hairpin Drista had given him this morning. He unlocked the door.

"George?" He called, a little nervous. No answer. He heard a noise. It sounded like someone.. Coughing? He went up the stairs cautiously. He heard it more clearly now. It was coming from the bathroom. Dream opened the bathroom door that was already slightly ajar.

There he found George curled up in a ball on the floor, coughing up dozens of flowers and blood.

"Oh my god, George!" Dream yelled. George was sobbing, which he rarely ever did. Dream ran over to George and kneeled down next to him. He lifted George's body up onto his legs and looked down at his tear-stained face. "Oh my god, George.." he repeated. "I had no idea... I'm so sorry.." he cried. George simply looked up at him, unable to speak, but sobbing as more flowers came out of his mouth. Dream stared into his eyes. They held the entire world in them. They were glossed with tears as George looked up at Dream with a sadness that Dream never wants to have to see again. Dream wiped the blood from his lips. "George, I-"

George cuts him off, holding up a weak, pale finger to Dream's quivering lips. George's shaking hands pull out a tiny little folded up piece of paper tucked in the pocket of his hoodie. "What are you.." Dream starts.

"Shh," George manages. He slowly lifts the paper up to Dream. Dream looks at the paper, then at George with a terrified expression.

"George - wait - can you still hear me? George?" George's grip on Dream softened. His eyes slowly fluttered shut, but as his eyes were still half open, he looked up at Dream and mouthed,

I love you.

"I love you too! George I love you too! George - please -" Dream cut himself off as he began sobbing over George's lifeless body. He stared at him as the flowers stopped pouring and sat in his mouth like a beautiful flower pot. He looked so peaceful. He looked happier. He wasn't in pain anymore. He wasn't bleeding anymore. He was happy.

And he was gone.

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