chapter 3

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Sapnap was worried about Dream. Even though they lived together, it was typical for them to not see each other 24/7, or sometimes all day. But this was different. Sapnap could tell.

Dream wouldn't come down for dinner when Sapnap invited him, even when it was one of Dream's favorite meals. Sapnap knew Dream rarely streamed normally, but he started streaming even less. He was less active on twitter and talked to Sapnap less too. While they still talked and Dream was still active sometimes, it was very noticeable to Sapnap that something was going on with Dream. Of course Sapnap was concerned and upset about the George situation as well, but Dream seemed to be taking it a lot harder.

Sapnap laid in his bed and texted Dream.

S - hey im making steak for dinner do u want some

D - No thanks

Sapnap sighed, but he can't say he didn't expect this. He walked out of his room and down the hall. Instead of turning into the kitchen, he decided to walk up the stairs. He came to Dream's door. He took a deep breath and knocked. It took a bit before Sapnap got a response.

" Come in.." Dream said, uneasy. Sapnap swung open the door to his room and leaned on the wall awkwardly.

"Hey.." He began, trying to think of what to say. Dream looked tired and sad. Sapnap winced a bit at the sight of his friend looking so heartbroken. Dream looked like a sad, lost puppy staring up at him. Dream simply stared at him and waited for him to keep talking. Sapnap understood. "Uh - I just wanted to ask you if you're okay.. You've been kinda distant lately and it's worrying me. You know you can talk to me, right?" Sapnap told him. Dream looked down at the floor and back up at him, then sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried about George. He's never done this before. I feel helpless. Like there's nothing I can do. He could be dead for all we know." He paused. "I didn't mean to worry you. I'll try to talk and get out of my room more." He paused again. "What did you say you were making for dinner? Steak?"

"Yeah," Sapnap answered.

"I'll have some," Dream gave a weak smile.

'Til Death Do Us Part // dnfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang