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The sky was cotton candy-esque, decorated with sprinkles of white, wispy clouds. A golden light casted across the city as the sun shone for the last few minutes of daylight. George, in his home, sat on his bed. The warm light from the sun illuminated his room. He sat on his phone, rereading him and Dream's texts from the night before. His cheeks were flushing ever so slightly as he smiled at his friend's stupid jokes. He ran his fingers through his fluffy hair and sighed, turning off his phone. He stared out his window and watched the sun set. His eyes fluttered shut and he quickly drifted off to sleep.

George woke up to an unpleasant choking sensation in the back of his throat and a pitch black room. He sprung up and started coughing violently. It almost felt like there was something scratching his throat. He stumbled his way in the dark hall to his bathroom, and as he turned on the light, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He opened his mouth as wide as he could, hands slightly shaking. His heart dropped. He stared at himself in disbelief. Stinging tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down his face. He aggressively spat out what was in his mouth and coughed for a couple more minutes until his mouth was clear. He sat, kneeled over on the toilet, panting. His long, cold fingers gripped the sides of the seat until they turned pale. George couldn't believe what he had seen. He knew what this meant. And he wasn't ready to accept it.

George had the hanahaki disease.

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