chapter 5

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George was getting worse.

It became more apparent to him that the day he dreaded was slowly creeping up on him. There were more runs to the bathroom, more coughing fits, and dozens of flower petals scattered across the bathroom. There was no point in cleaning it up. He was going to die anyway. George couldn't take it anymore. He was in so much pain. Every time he would choke he would start sobbing from the pain. The familiar vines decorated with flowers crept up his neck like a slithering snake reminding him of his fate until his mouth was spilling with dozens of petals. He could feel it being a little harder to breathe every day. He knew he was going to die, but this made it feel even more real.

He sat in his bed, sobbing into his pillow. He took a deep, shaky breath as he set the pillow down. He closed his eyes and wiped his tears. He looked around his dark room, only illuminated by the street lights outside. He looked at his window and scooted closer to it. He stared outside the window. He watched the people walking, which weren't too many since it was getting late.

He envied them.

He envied them so much. How they could walk freely without having to live with the fact that they're going to die at practically any moment. How they can go outside and talk to their friends and family without vomiting flowers.

How they don't cry every day because the love of their life doesn't love them back.

He stopped looking at the window and instead at his room. He looked at his desk, then the lamp, then his wall. His eyes landed on a pen and a sheet of paper.

He suddenly had an idea.

'Til Death Do Us Part // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now