Knight Empire

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CH 20: Knight Empire

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Adina's POV

It's the next day and today I'm planning to go to my company because it's been a while since I have physically visited. Nobody knows that we own it, but they know that we are important people.

They just know that we are VIPs for the company. I wanted to check all the employees of the company. Since today is Saturday so there is no school, so we have no stress over going there. It is such a waste of our precious time.

I know schools are important and all but me and my triplets have finished it earlier so that we could spend our time in the business. We love doing business that's why we have our empires.

I have yet to ask my triplets about their opinion on going with me. If they don't want to go then I'll go alone but if they will come, there will be less work for me.

I asked them about their opinion and then lay in bed
"Do you want to go to the companies to physically check everything out"

Alessio replied me
"Why suddenly"

I answered him
"I want to get out of the house and at the same time I can check the company out in here"

They both agreed and said they are getting ready. It was still pretty early since it was 6:45 am and everyone in this mansion was sleeping except me and my triplets.

We have a habit of waking at 6:00 am so that we can spend more time productively. This works most of the time because we usually wake early, and we love working.

It's a time-coping mechanism that we three use. We use work as a distraction, and we know it is not a healthy mechanism because sometimes I don't sleep for 5 days straight working. My twins have mostly stayed awake for 2 days awake, they sleep after I force them.

Even though I don't sleep while working I make sure that my triplets do get their sleep. Anyways.

It's been the stress of laptop and screen work since last week because of our plan to destroy Romanos so I have been getting headaches.

I have been getting them because of constantly being in front of a screen and not sleeping much. So, I want to get out of the house and go see some physical documents rather than see virtual ones.

So, I took an ibuprofen and went to my bathroom to get freshen up. After a relaxing shower, I went to wrap myself in the bathrobe and went towards my closet to find some sexy and intimated-looking clothes.

After swimming through my closet for a few minutes, I found a perfect outfit. It was a white outfit which my all-black looks that have been going on for a while now.

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