"I don't know, I've always said it."

"Ah, I see."

The room remained silent as Dr. Rayne wrote a couple of more notes down on the blue and white lined paper.

"What did you mean about the unconditional love?" the young boy spoke.

She looked up from her notebook and raised an eyebrow before smiling again. "My definition of 'unconditional love' is a person caring about you despite your flaws."

"Do they have to know your flaws to be unconditional?"

"In my way of thinking, yes. But I bet it's different for everyone," she reassured softly.


"Hey, Dream," the brunette greeted as his companion came into the room, closing the door behind him. "Nice to see you again."

"Ugh, the formality of it," he rolled his eyes. "But nice to see you too, Mr. George."

"Hm," the brunette laughed.

They talked for a bit - about nothing much, nothing that held such importance that deserved that type of recognition.

That was what conversations were like between the two. They were never too heavy-hearted, even when they were talking about topics that normally upset George.

But that was something about Dream that was so unexplainable.

Everything about Dream comforted the brunette. His light jokes, his explanations of things, basically everything that made Dream, well - Dream.

George was convinced that he hated him at first. Hated his dark blonde hair that didn't necessarily pass for blonde but didn't identify as brunette either. Hated his clear green-ish grey eyes that seemed like they came out of a mascara and eyeliner demo commercial.

He was the typical 'guy-next-door-who-plays-basketball' type of person. Not to mention the chances of him being the lead role of some bland teen rom-com which ended up with him kissing the captain cheerleader or something. 

But no, not really. It wasn't quite like that.

Which shocked George at first. Dream was so much more different than the guys who claimed that sitting in front of a large flatscreen TV and playing some shooter game was 'homework.

For example, he actually had a soft and sweet side of him - not that he ever had a bitter side in the first place. The blonde would probably jump at any chance to help someone, and he definitely wouldn't be that typical jock kind of dude. He was more of a character who sacrificed himself for other people.

That was what George envied about him. The fact that Dream didn't really care about what others thought of him, but somehow got everyone to think positive thoughts towards him. His mother called it 'sorcery' but the brunette considered it 'charisma.'

That was a better word for it.


"Oh, did they write back?" Dream asked as he eyed the stack of letters that lay across the wooden nightstand.


The blonde hummed as he reached out a candy wrapped in silver paper. "Want one?"

"Sure," George laughed as he carefully took it from the palm of his hands.

Dream's hands were soft and cool to touch.

"So," he tilted his head in curiosity, "anything new going on?"

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