"Hold back to the end before we get off," I told them. "We don't want to be jumped on the minute we get off by the wrong people."

"Oh, for god's sake, Owen, look at that banner at the back... not only is it upside down, but they've spelt "Ashley Waters" wrong! Is there any point turning up tomorrow?" Sean groaned and spotting the offending banner I shook my head.

"Miss Sorenson will be there," I whispered and he looked at me sideways with a big grin.

"Good enough reason for me," he chuckled and then pointed. I followed his line of sight and saw them stood as a group towards the back, slightly stood apart from everyone else. Sang was bouncing on the balls of her feet, she spotted us and waved, tugging Kota's sleeve at the same time. I saw her make a move forward but Kota caught her shoulder and held her back. Victor leant over her and whispered in her ear and she nodded and for a few seconds she looked crestfallen.

"I think they just reminded her that it would be unwise to jump on Silas or her teachers," Sean said and I heard the regret in his voice. "We're always going to have to be careful in public, but I'll be glad when we're out of here and don't have to pretend to be her teachers"

"Well, we can always skip here and go for the yaks," I said and he shook with laughter.

"It's worth bearing in mind," he chuckled and then the bus was stopping, the doors opened and the students were getting off. The noise rose to unbearable as the second bus arrived behind us and the cheerleaders were getting off at the same time.

We got off last and I waved North and Silas on as we went to get our bags. I was itching to see her, to touch her but I had to be so careful here. There were too many people around, too many eyes. I looked at Sean and saw that he was thinking the exactly same thing.

"M B, Doc," Kota came up beside us. "Good to have you back. Need a hand with your bags?"

"Thank you, Mr Lee," I said and picked up North's from the pile and handed it to him. Victor had come down with him and reached for Silas' bag. I grabbed my own and saw Sean take his from the pile of bags that the driver was carelessly slinging to the floor. I was glad my ipad was in my briefcase along with the others.

I turned and saw Silas had reached Sang, he had her up in a hug, her feet dangling from the floor by a good ten inches, her arms around his neck and her face buried in his shoulder. I was rarely, if ever, jealous of my brothers, but I was now.

"Ever wanted to be a Korba?" Sean whispered into my ear and I snorted in reply.

We made my way towards them.

"Mr Blackbourne, Dr Green," I heard Mr Hendrick's voice and I schooled my features in time.

"Mr Hendricks," I said quietly and waited for him to get to us through the milling of student and parents.

"Excellent result," he said and nodded, making no effort to shake hands. But then both my hands were full with bags. "I need a word..."

Before either of us could reply, Mrs French was coming over.

"Mr Hendrick's, may I have a quiet word please," she said and nodded at both of us acknowledgement.

"Certainly, Mrs French."

"Is this about Miss Thomas?" I asked her quietly and she nodded firmly.

"It is indeed, Mr Blackboune, but she's one of my girls. I'll deal with this now."

"Of course," I said and nodded at them both and without another look I moved away, Sean at my elbow.

I was more than happy to let them deal with Jade. Left up to me she'd be expelled, but I knew that wouldn't happen. She was their best cheerleader and was their captain. They entered the state competitions yearly and I knew they had good results, although they never outright won.

ImmaculateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon