You scrub up good

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Part Forty-Five

Mr Blackbourne's POV

I was glad that I had told Gabriel that I would wake Sang up and bring her down.

She was lying on her side tucked right into Sean, her head was on his chest, his bare chest. His shirt was undone and spread open and I don't think she'd done it in her sleep. But it was Sang herself that made me glad it was me and not Gabriel up here now.

Her skirt was hiked right up her legs, so high in fact that I was fairly certain that if I leant slightly to the left I would be able to see what colour panties she was wearing. I didn't lean, no matter how much I may have been tempted.

Sean had one hand on her hip and the other was behind his head. They were both out for the count and I was reluctant to disturb either of them. But Gabriel was champing at the bit, going on about getting her to look just right. Personally, I thought she looked just right, all the time, but I didn't argue with Gabriel over clothes or hair. You just let him have his way and, more often than not, he got it right.

I stepped forward quietly and resisted the urge to kiss my way up from her pretty toes to her mouth.

I slid a hand onto her head and bending closer to her I kissed her cheek gently.

"Miss Sorenson, it is time to get ready," I whispered. She opened sleepy eyes, disorientated at first, and then she saw me and her eyes softened and she smiled sleepily at me.

"Mr Bla..." I placed a finger on her lips and then one on my own to tell her to be quiet. Sean didn't need to wake up for awhile and I wanted him to get as much sleep as possible. She lifted her head carefully and slid her way down the bed careful not to disturb him; in doing so I discovered her panties were pale pink with cream spots. Damn. I adverted my eyes back up to Sean's face, he remained asleep, I kept my eyes on him as she worked her skirt back down and rubbed at her eyes.

I moved away from the bed, took her hand in mine and lead her from the room.

I lead her wordlessly down the stairs to my level and across to the bathroom.

"A quick shower, Miss Sorenson," I said, pushing aside ideas of following her into the shower and offering to wash her back, and other places.

I cleared my throat and clasped my hands together behind my back.

"Trouble! Quick in and out, don't wash your hair, I'll do it. Chop, chop!" Gabriel stuck his head out of my bedroom and smiled at us.

I saw her tense slightly and then she was grinning back at him.

"Ok, Meanie," she giggled and he pulled a face at her.

"Mr B, I just got your tux out, but I can't find your cuff links."

"I will be there shortly," I told him and he heard the underlying message of "Give me a moment, please."

He winked and disappeared back into my room, pushing the door too. I turned back to Sang and ushered her into the bathroom. I opened the cupboard door and brought out a towel for her. I placed it on the rattan chair that stood underneath the frosted glass window.

"Miss Sorenson, I haven't really had the chance to tell you this, but I want you to feel at home here. If you want something, look for it, open cupboards, drawers, etc. There is no area in this house that you are not free to roam and explore. I want you to think this is your home too, Miss Sorenson."

She was biting her lip, watching me and I could see the hesitancy mixed with longing in her eyes. She wanted to feel at home here, I could see that. But I could also see that it was going to take time, not words, to get her comfortable here.

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