Chapter 6 - The Hideaway

Start from the beginning

"Well, the long-armed guy tried to wrap me up in cloth as well, but I got away. I've been looking for you guys ever since."

The memory of their kidnapping hit Mono as he remembered being locked in a cage and pulled away.

"Oh yeah, I remember that now. I guess that was our prize for beating the Granny."

Seven shrugged, walking over to Mono's side and kneeling. 

"How are you holding up, buddy?"

"Been better..."

"Six, let's help him up."

They went on both of his sides, helping him up onto his feet and stabilizing his balance.

"Can you walk?"

Six asked, letting go of him. His feet hurt but didn't hurt enough for him to be carried around.

"Yeah, I can walk..."

The muffled sound of a deep groan and heavy footsteps was heard from above, dust falling from the ceiling and the room slightly shaking as whatever kind of creature loomed from above seemingly chased after something. They looked up, instantly going on alert as the footsteps grew distant.

"I had to outrun that long-armed giant to get down here, I'm pretty sure that's him. Seven, you were right, he is definitely blind."

Six explained the strange sound, Seven nodded in agreement.

"He's pretty easy to escape if you just stay really quiet. Hmm... I wonder who he's chasing?"

"What if it's another kid?"

Mono brought up his idea, but Six shook her head.

"I didn't see any other kids around, he's probably chasing a group of those coneheads."


Seven expressed his confusion at the word SIx had used.

"Don't you mean a nome?"

"Nome? Is that what they're called?"

Seven nodded, answering Six's question.

"That's what all of the other kids call them, anyway. They're pretty friendly, I've seen at least a dozen of them running around. Never got the chance to get up close to one, though."

"Well, there's one right over there..."

Mono pointed at a door, next to it was a nome that was trying to reach the door handle. Hopping up and down, desperately grabbing at it, but to no use. The nome's size proved to be against it as it gave up, sitting down in defeat. 

"Here, let me show you how to tame one."

The three walked over to it, causing it to jump onto its feet and scurry away, hiding behind a cardboard box and shaking in fear.

"Hey, we're not gonna hurt you..."

Six calmly spoke as she crouched, slowly moving her hands toward the nome before picking it up. It squirmed around in her grasp until she hugged it, causing it to calm down almost instantly. She set it down, its behavior being the complete opposite as it followed her wherever she went.



Seven walked over to the nome Six had befriended, expecting it to run away from him, but instead, it wrapped its arms around his leg.

"Oh... uh, hi little guy..?"

The nome pointed at the door that it had trouble reaching.

"Oh, right... we can handle this. Stand back, little dude."

Forever - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now