~Love to Death~

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Note: I will try and come up with an alternative ending. But for now, here is the angst and last chapter (aside from the alternative ending).

Sunlight, it rules by day and is missed by night. It showers things in beauty and brings out the colors of the world. Those who can not bask within the warm rays of its touch tend to miss it whether they know it or not. People are meant to live in the sunlight, demons were never meant to exist. Those that have died are not supposed to come back, those who are sick are not supposed to live on. That was the unfair truth of the world.

Demons existed because a man could not accept his weakness.

She ran into a life that would not last because her father did not wish to lose his wife and only child to illness.

That girl was in her twenties now, braiding her precious child's hair within her hands. Humming a gentle lullaby she'd learned from her mother. "Mama, what was grandma like... you never answer when I ask why we are different from others." So long had passed since she had heard the story.

"I love you Aimi, you know that right?" She knew something was coming, Douma was tense, hardly left them alone unless he had to, for work related to being a demon. Even then he avoided anything that wasn't crucial.

"Will you please tell me, mama?" Y/n held the girl's hair in her hands before a sigh rocked her lips.

"I have no memories of it, only the story my uncle told me once. Even then I can hardly remember his words." She began to tell her about the horrific life that led her to meet Douma, the girl's father.

There was a woman, far into a pregnancy. She had fallen ill with an unknown disease. No doctor could tell them what was wrong, no medicine was helping. Each day the woman grew weaker and weaker until a doctor said she'd die before the child was born. There was no way to save them. Still, the husband in a rush of emotion sought out doctors hidden in the shadows. Those who relied on ancient methods and deceitful tricks. He begged one for help and was given a vial of red liquid. The man took the supposed cure to the wife, lacing her food with two drops just as he had been instructed to do. The man did this for months and slowly his wife began to grow stronger again. Though she seemed to be different from the woman he married. She was quiet and hardly spoke. When she did it was to request something to eat.

When the child was born the woman had no complications, felt no pain. The child was born naturally and even appeared normal. It cried and held onto its mother. As she grew up that child began to develop differently. Things within her began to change. Her body took on changes, she became different. Her father, not knowing how to react properly, blamed it on her. Claiming she cursed the family and her mother. The mother only wished to protect the child she had neutered within her for so long.

The man went back to ask what the vial had contained and learned the medicine that had saved his wife and child from death was not natural. It contained ground parts from demons. While also containing boiled down blood and other herbs to help disguise the scent or taste. The few drops at a time were not going to be enough to turn his wife but it would affect her. The one who offered the solution had tried to warn him but in his panic, he had not listened to the warning. He had ruined his family but he still blamed the child. He locked her away and tried to pretend she never existed.

When her mother could no longer withstand the torment she took her own life. That fell on the child's shoulders. When her father remarried she befriended and even called the wife her mother. Trying to be the best daughter she could be. She helped raise their child, they played and loved like real siblings. That too was taken by the father, falling to insanity he lashed out and killed his wife and child. The girl, 18 at the time, laid with a corpse in winter snow until a kind man saved her.

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