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The weeks that followed were full of surprises and walks during the night. She never questioned why he refused to walk the garden in the morning. She expected his pale complexion would easily get sun-burn. That was always uncomfortable and a pain to deal with so she never bothered him about it. She rather liked the cool night air. Even as the spring flowers came into full bloom she stayed by him.

Sitting by the pond that night as she waited for Douma to come like he would every night she could tell somebody else was there. She'd never seen somebody else out here pass sundown. She was the only one with permission to be in the garden or to be near this side of the temple late at night. It was something about Douma wanting a few hours of privacy and not wanting his followers to bother him with ruckus. She took pride in being that exception. "Hello?'' Perhaps the sound of rustling leaves and the snapped branch was simply a rabbit.

When there wasn't a reply she stood up with her heart pounding. Slowly her eyes were covered with a snicker. "Hello there Y/n!", nearly jumping from her fear, she turned around to face Douma.

"You scared me!" Y/n brought her arms to Douma's chest to shove at him.

"Stay here a moment, there is... something I need to take care of real fast okay! I'll be right back alright?" Nodding her head, she watched Douma walk towards the bushes. A chill ran down her spine as she sat by the water.


It took less than a second for a familiar fist to attempt bashing his head in. He moved swiftly to the side purposely leading the other into a clearing where his guest wouldn't be spotted by his current interest. "I wasn't expecting you here today!"

The male that had jumped back a few feet sat and glared at Douma. The pale man before him stood tall, trying to match the others' height. His jumbled pink hair and the golden eyes that glared back at the more human-looking of the two didn't let up in their threat to run a hand through the other's skull. "You have no respect for women, absolutely disgusting."

"Aww, Akaza! My dear friend, why are you so mean to me? I was simply saying hello!" he stepped to the side again to avoid another of Akaza's swings. "Normally I'd let you do some damage but I have somebody waiting for me!"

"You mean a meal." Looking unamused, the opposing male glared.

"Nope! She's my entertainment!" Perhaps he should have reworded that as Akaza only seemed to grow further enraged with his remark.

"I came to make sure you're actually at the meeting tomorrow, and not late you-" he was shut up with a 'friendly' kick to the stomach.

"Shh! Please don't raise your voice! I really wouldn't want anything to frighten my dear!" Akaza was gone moments later leaving Douma to pout. "He's so rude!"

Making his way back to the girl he was completely aware the other was lurking around within the trees. "So nosy" Douma rolled his eyes as he took a seat next to Y/n.

Leaning her head against his shoulder she smiled. "Took you long enough."

Leaning back on his hands, he hesitated for a moment but eventually tilted his head to lean against hers. Y/n's cheeks turned a bit pink but she didn't move away. It was comforting to be so close to him. "Are you going to ask questions tonight or will we be sitting here like this watching the stars?" It was such a human thing to do it felt odd suggesting such things.

"I only have one question tonight. Something I've meant to ask since day one." Douma no longer felt uncomfortable when she began to question him. She never asked about anything that may be a warning she was figuring things out.

"And what would that be?"

"Your eyes, why do they have the Kanji for upper rank and two?" there went the part about never asking questions that clued she was figuring something out.

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