~Unravel the Pain~

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As the snow began to fade, replaced by the buddings of flowers, time seemed to pass faster. It had become a habit to help with the garden. She tended to the flowers without gloves despite the thorn bushes and roses. The animals that seemed to float around would hang close to her when she worked. The occasional bird resting on her shoulder. She'd always liked the outdoors, it was freedom from that house. Even now it was a way to escape the thoughts that refused to unroot from her mind. The thought that anybody knowing the extent of her circumstances would run. There were times when she was even scared of herself. Moments where she couldn't help but think of her mother and the illness that consumed her without her knowing. The thoughts took over her mind quickly leading her into a memory from when she was a child, only a few days before her mother lost her battle.

A small girl with a sickeningly pale complexion held her hand out, a butterfly resting on her finger. With eyes full of wonder and joy the little girl looked to her mother who was tending to a rose bush. "Look mama!" her mother's drained expression turned to the little girl with a forced smile. "It likes me!" The girl's voice was ecstatic. She was happy and kept her hand still as stone.

"That's sweet, do you know what it's called?" The mother always tried to be as motherly as she could but there was something behind the dead expression in her eyes.

"Mhm, it's a butterfly right mama?" the mother tilted her head with a smile as she dropped her tools to move closer to the child. As she did, the butterfly flew away causing the girl to frown. "Aww, bye-bye butterfly!" She was so innocent, positive she was living a perfect life, like a fairytale. She did not know death or suffering yet.

Moving from the memory when a hand rested on her shoulder Y/n reached to her eye to wipe a tear. Startled, she moved away before looking to see who it was. A stranger, male and rather short, had tapped her. "Sorry to startle you, but your presence was requested by Lord Douma." setting down her tools Y/n stood with a kind nod.

"Thank you for coming to get me!" clasping her hands together she bowed before skipping off. The boy behind her shouted to her something but she didn't hear as she continued towards the room that Douma spent much of the waking hours in.

Knocking before she entered she waited for his melodic voice. "Come in!" smiling at the voice she'd grown to confide in. She shoved the doors open and crawled under the curtains to her usual spot next to him. "Eager to speak with me today?"

Nodding her head she looked into his eyes before smiling. "A memory came into view while I was-" her sentence was cut off by a surprised squeal when Douma grabbed her hand with a glare. She looked to see why he was glaring down only to notice the red coating it.

He seemed so confused, there was blood but there wasn't a cut, not one he could see. From this amount, he'd have guessed she cut her hand open on a thorn or a rock. "The blood, where is it from?" His smile was back within a second as he looked at her.

She pulled back but found it no use against his grip. "I must have cut myself outside! It's nothing, no big deal." Douma rotated her wrist, careful his grip wasn't going to hurt her but would prevent her from escaping his hold.

"Uh-huh, so people bleed without wounds now?" He wondered how long she'd go on with this. It was amusing how she still wouldn't confide everything in him. Normally he'd have somebody spilling an entire life story within a week, but she told the same story over and over. It was almost like she didn't want to remember her life. So many people here were from pasts of abuse and suffering and they were able to let it all out before him yet she couldn't.

"Uh... it's from a different wound?" Douma almost laughed as he grabbed a cloth and wiped away the blood. He'd have licked it as a mid-day snack but she was still a human with no knowledge of demons.

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