"Is it Love?"

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Note: Gets a little dark from here. Lots of skipping with a longer than avg chapter. This chapter should feel quick with a few slower points. (This is like 2.5 chapters in one but I didn't feel comfortable cutting it anywhere because of the flow I was going through.)

Warnings: gore and hallucinations (If you don't want to read the first 2k words the nightmares are the only truly important part in this chapter but there is a little fluff before them.)


Spring slowly began to turn into summer. The days spent inside began to grow longer and questions began to pester inside her mind. The summer sun had set about an hour ago leading to the familiar presence of her savior sneaking behind her.

Over the past months, he'd changed. The way he would talk to her no longer seemed like idle chat. His eyes followed her no matter where she went in the room. She always felt eyes watching her, whether it was the other attendants who began to see more of her or Douma she could never tell. Due to the summer heat, she found herself within the temple walls more often. The garden had grown far too humid for her liking. Luckily today had been cool enough for her to dip her feet into the pond and watch the life swimming around notice her.

As usual, even though she didn't move they scattered with Douma's presence. Nothing living beside the others who resided here came close to him. She was starting to notice little things she hadn't noticed before, things like this. Though such thoughts never stayed when his presence reached her. She could never stop the excitement throughout her body. The sudden speed of her heart as she'd jump into his arms after his long trips, or the shocked expression when he showed her a new feeling. "You're here earlier than normal!" spinning around she clasped her hands together waiting for head pats. She was graciously given them as Douma smiled fondly looking at her.

He had stopped questioning himself and began letting the humane emotions build up within him. "I felt awfully lonely when you didn't join me today." He paused for a moment before picking up his sentence. "You seem distracted, more than usual. Is something bothering you?" Y/n looked into his eyes before fidgeting around.

"Not anything in particular. I just have some things on my mind." She found her face heating up as she spoke, trying to avoid making it clear her thoughts had only been on him for the past months.

Smirking Douma gripped her chin with a firm but gentle grip. "You know you suck at secrets?" he scanned her face watching as it lit with embarrassment.

She had no idea how to respond and only managed a jumble of words. He seemed to be having fun with this. Each of her reactions filled him with things. He was still trying to figure them out on his own which didn't seem to be working out for him. "S-sorry."

Sighing as he backed away he gave her head another light pat and ran his thumb under her eye. To think all of this came because her unnatural nature spiked his curiosity. His mind wandered into a darker corner, imagining her beauty withering away as she aged. His mood seemed to dwindle down but he hid it from her. He wasn't sure when it happened but she'd stopped recognizing when he was faking his emotions and when he wasn't faking it. "I'm going to take a leave for a bit. Would you be so kind as to start a bath for me while I'm gone?" Many of the others are already asleep and I wouldn't want to wake them." She didn't hesitate to nod as he ran his hand through her hair once more.

Perhaps he'd ask somebody else for advice. Akaza would try to kill him claiming he was lying and simply manipulating her. In part that was the truth though. She had no idea what he was nor did she know of his world. He planned to tell her one day... when she was inseparable from him. So what if he got possessive and overly touchy and left small details out? She knew he lacked emotions prior so was it not her fault for teaching him how to feel? It's almost like an addiction at this point. It was almost as intoxicating as eating was. Speaking of his meal he probably shouldn't get so distracted right now. He sat waiting until a realization came to him. He'd ask a girl before he devours her tonight! Surely they could tell him whether he was happy, confused, aggravated, curious or that other emotion he tends to forget the name of. The one that makes you feel like you're floating. Perhaps it should be Daki he asked instead of a human. That idea was about as bad as asking Akaza. Settling on asking a few of his followers, soon-to-be meals, he smiled when they filtered into the room.

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