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With the car damaged and on fire, Myungjun had no way of transportation anymore. And god knows where the monster was, because if it showed up, they were doomed.
He looked around the street, and spotted a couple more cars.

"We're going to have to borrow a car."
"That is stealing, Captain."
"We are borrowing , I'll give it back as soon as we are out of here." Myungjun said, going over to a car and breaking the window.

He opened it from the inside and and opened the door, getting in and attempting to look for the key.
He found them in the cup holder beside his chair, Eunwoo getting in the front.
Myungjun switched on the car, and it stirred into life, before he began driving.

"Ok. So you're telling me, that thing is Vernon? Why would anyone try programme him like that?" Myungjun asked, making a turn.
"I am not sure. It is a bit confusing, but a remedy may be in the working already. I will attempt to contact Electro.corp later, I just hope that their companies have been evacuated." He said.

Myungjun nodded, when they heard a metallic roar in the distance.
"That thing isn't dead?" He mumbled, before pressing down onto the gas and rushing forwards.
"He does have an armor on him, though I do not believe that it can withstand another round of bombs."

"It's unfortunate that I don't have more of those." Myungjun said, turning into the nearest street.
Eunwoo got an alert in his software, it was flashing red.

-report to Electro.corp immediately + new information on Mutated Alpha - Close to the main Electro.corp building. Check it out.

"We need to go to Electro.corp."
"What? Now? Why?"
"It's my instruction, we must go."

Myungjun mumbled under his breath, before he looked back quickly.
They couldn't hear Vernon anymore, nor could they see him.
"Ok.. we need to turn around then."
He stopped the car, before reversing, and driving back back where they came from.

It was tense, the atmosphere around them was tense. Everything was tense in general.

Myungjun put on the radio as he started to drive, but instead of music coming through the speaker, an alert was heard.

"Outbreak of the Regulus Virus has been documented into the history of this city. Evacuation plans have been taken, but many people have been killed because of the feral and ruthless infected on the streets. Electro.corp, one of the companies that handle most of the military androids, have agreed to let the uninfected migrate into their buildings for the time being, until the issue of this virus has been sorted. Thousands of androids are being sent out to take out the infected individuals, and we will make sure that everyone is safe at the end of the day. Alaina Arachi, signing off."

"Electro.corp.. so that's why we gotta go there. So we can evacuate!" Myungjun said, pressing down on the gas to go quicker.
"But Kira.. she's all alone at home, what if the-"
"She will be okay. I have sent out an older model from the 7777 series to take Kira into hiding. They are very agile, so I doubt any infected could take them down."

"Right.. okay."

They kept driving, but most of the roads were seriously blocked off. Trees had fallen onto the road, and it didn't look like the car could fit through anywhere.
"Looks like we gotta go on foot the rest of the way." Myungjun grumbled, getting out of the car.

REGULUS | ASTRO Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon