Chapter EIGHT

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Myungjun woke up to his alarm clock buzzing, like always.
This was a routine to him. Wake up, get your head pounded by a fucking alarm clock, have an android looming over you- wait.

That was not part of his routine.

Two pairs of blue eyes were looking down at him.
"What the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?!" Myungjun snapped, covering himself up with his sheets.

"You were conversing in your sleep, Captain. It did not sound pleasant, so I set off your alarm clock earlier than usual for you to awaken quicker." Eunwoo explained.

"You.. huh? I was talking in my sleep?" Myungjun mumbled, looking at Eunwoo in confusion.
"Yes. Here is a clip of you 54 seconds ago."

His body shuddered, and his eyes become glazed over, as Myungjun's voice came out of the others mouth.

"Get off of me.. don't touch me! P-please.. i-it's not fair.."

He shuddered back, and his eyes became blue again, looking back at him while his light flickered orange.

Myungjun kept silent.
".. Captain? Do you feel quite alright?"
"I- yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. But I think you should leave now"

Eunwoo frowned.
"We have 7 cases we need to get to, Captain. We are required to assi-"
"I said. OUT!"

Eunwoo's light flashed yellow as Myungjun got up, grabbing the bat.
He turned on his heel and raced out of the house while the omega chased him, growling and snarling.
"I will show up to work when I want to! Now fuck off and go back to the station, you piece of scrap!" Myungjun yelled at him, before slamming his door shut.

Eunwoo blinked, light blinking back to white as he was set a new mission.
He replayed the Captain's words, over and over in his head, for some reason, bothered by them.
His eyes widened, and he quickly hit himself hard, software crashing near his left eye.

You can't feel bothered. You do not have that programmed. You cannot do that.

His vision glitched and flashed red, making him see worse, and he entered repair mode.

The Alpha finally got back to the station, heading over to his desk and going into his computer, vision still healing while he scrolled through all the new cases.

"Eunwoo? Where's Myungjun?"
Eunwoo looked up, seeing Mr.Bae there.
"For fucks sake, Eunwoo! I tell you to keep an eye on him, couldn't you do that for me?! Is it that hard?!" Mr.Bae yelled at the android, making his light spin yellow.

"I apologise, Sir. I will make sure that I do not repeat that mistake again." He stated, eye repairing and vision returning to normal.
Mr.Bae growled, and moved forward, wrapping his arm around the androids neck.

"You piss me off. You, and Myungjun. But you the most. I can see you're getting all friendly with him, huh? Well cut that shit out! You do not want to get on the highers nerves, and get your memory deleted again." Mr.Bae growled.

"I understand, Sir."
Mr.Bae glared at him, before swinging at him, hearing the android stumble back.
Landing another shot, he grabbed the android by its collar and threw it out of the station.

Eunwoo got thrown down the cement stairs, hearing an audible snap in his leg.
His vision was back to being all cloudy and glitchy.
He attempted to scan the damages in his leg, but his scanner was of no use.

He heaved himself up, stumbling from his leg and falling down again.
Eunwoo got up again, cooling his systems and turning in the direction that he thought would do him best.

The captain's house wasn't a joyride, but he would rather fix his leg and vision there than sit out here.
And anyway, seeing androids being disassembled is disturbing enough. He did not want to traumatise passer-bys.

After a torturous amount of time (15 minutes), Eunwoo had finally dragged himself to the Captain's home.
It seemed that something in his system had crashed, and it was depleting his energy supply.
He needed to fix it before he shut down for a 24 hour intensive repair.

He pressed the bell, hearing a ding ring throughout the entire house.
He knocked.

He continued knocking, before the door swung open, Myungjun holding a stack of papers and looking pissed.
"I told you to fuck off!—"

He suddenly stopped, seeing the condition that the android was in.
"What the hell happened to you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Mr.Bae. Was displeased. With your absence. And. And-"
His voice glitched, and Myungjun furrowed his eyebrows in worry.

"Come on in."
Eunwoo stumbled in, Myungjun grabbing him just in time from him falling.
He closed the door with his foot and set the android down onto his couch, noticing how hot he was to the touch.

Eunwoo moved to look at Myungjun, who found it creepy that he moved so robotically. It seemed as if his body was twisting with so much effort, that each limb had to move separately. This was of course, weird to him because the Alpha always moved so smoothly.

"Will you m-mind if I dis-dis-disassemble my le-leg?" The android said.
"Not at all! Do whatever you need, man. Is there.. any way I can help..?" Myungjun offered his help.
Eunwoo pondered the question.

"I need. I need to enter repair mode, but my energy.  Energy. Supply is being depleted due to an error. Error. In my software. Electro.corp sent a package of a liquid that I must consume if I ever run into a severe malfunction." He says.

"Ah yeah, the weird, cum like looking purple liquid? Yeah I got 2 crates of that shit yesterday. Want a box?"

"Let grab it for you, hang on." Myungjun grumbled, going over to his pantry and taking one of the boxes out.
They looked like a normal juice box, but they obviously didn't have juice in it. Instead, there was the Electro.corp logo on the purple packaging.

He brought it back to the android, giving it to him.
Eunwoo took it from him, sipping on it while he fixed his vision quickly.
His light whirred blue as he fixed his scanner, scanning his leg.

"Well? Did that thing work?"
"Yes. However, I must repair my leg. To do so, I must take the bottom half of my uniform off. You may leave the room if you so wish, but I can also repair it elsewhere if you wish."

"No, it's fine. Just repair it here" Myungjun hummed, going to the kitchen to feed his cat.
Eunwoo looked back at his leg, and pulled his uniform down and feeling for the line that closed his leg.
He found it, and pulled at it, pulling it off.

He saw a couple of wires sticking out of their original places, and there was one, jade wire, snapped in half.
Eunwoo closed his eyes, making a report to Electro.corp.

"What's up?"
He opened his eyes and noticed Myungjun standing there, arms folded.
"My mobility cable has snapped. I need to get it repaired immediately at Electro.corp."

The others eyes widened.
"It snapped?- okay, what the fuck did he do to you exactly?"

"Mr.Bae was displeased with your absence. He ordered me to 'keep an eye on you', and he got quite unpleasant-"
"Eunwoo, just get to the point" Myungjun snapped, impatient.

"He grabbed me by the collar and threw me down concrete stairs. "

Myungjun opened his mouth to speak, but he closed it when he saw the others light flicker yellow.
"Okay.. uh. How much do you think I'll need to pay for the repair? I can't guarantee I'll be able to pay all of it one day, I'm not that rich." Myungjun said, heading to get his wallet and coat.

"What do you mean 'Pay'? "
Myungjun looked at him as if he were stupid.

"Don't you gotta pay for repairs? I mean, you're a prototype. You must be real expensive to take care of?"
"Yes. You are correct. But you didn't cause the damage."

He blinked, and his lips turned up into a smirk.
"Oh, so he has to pay for your damages?" Myungjun snickered.
"Yes. He must pay the damages."

Myungjun stroked his chin.
"How much do you think he'll need to pay?"

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