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Eunwoo had found his way back to the Captain, who had gotten into the computers.
"Find anything?" Myungjun asked, looking for something on the device.
"Another room full of corpses. But there was androids, too." Eunwoo said, Myungjun looking at him.

"What on earth could have brought someone - something - to do this type of shit? And an android too? What the.."
"It is quite confusing. I am attempting to analyze everything I have seen, but my results cannot determine the creature that could cause such damage."

Suddenly, they heard a roar in the distance, followed by heavy stomps.
"Fuck, we gotta go." Myungjun whispered, getting up.
The stomps got quicker and louder, Eunwoo shaking his head.
"We won't get anywhere, but it is worth a try.  ome." He said, and motioned to the vent from earlier.

"What? The vent? We'll be fucked if that shit finds us!"
"Come on, we need to hurry."

Myungjun grumbled and Eunwoo helped him up into the vent, the stomping getting louder.
They quickly got into the vent, when the doors were slammed open.
Eunwoo turned back to see the desks being flung at the walls, smashing against them.
A large, ginger claw reached out into the station.

"Quick." Eunwoo whispered, and Myungjun dropped down into the room.
He too, dropped down into the room, a loud roar shaking the whole station.
They went through the door there that lead outside.

Myungjun ran to his car, when a claw swiped at him and he fell down.
"Fucking!-" He cursed, groaning and looking down at his slashed legs.
Eunwoo quickly helped him up and brought him into the car, putting him in the back.
"Hey hey, I can drive-"
"You will only crash the vehicle with those legs. We need to go."
"My legs are healing already! Look- FUCK NEVERMIND GO!"

Eunwoo turned back and saw a wolf-like creature emerge from the station, a roar leaving its scarred mouth.
It had a short snout with teeth protruding out of it, like a saber tooth tiger would have. Its claws were the length of a smaller car, and it had .. metal like plaques all over its body. Purple liquid and scarlet blood was splattered all over its body.
It presented with spikes on his spine and tail, which made it just even more intimidating.

It was as tall as a 2 story bus.

Eunwoo scanned it quickly, and realised something horrible.
He got into the car and started it up quickly, stepping on the gas and the car rushing forwards.
The creature roared and went right after them.

"That is Vernon. The android that was sent in to assist you during my leave. I am afraid someone programmed him into a killing machine-"
The ground shook and a roar sounded again, Eunwoo pressing down onto the gas even more, the car speeding up.

"Vernon? What the fuck- why? Who would-"
A claw sunk in through the roof of the car, making the car stop.
"Shit- what an asshole!" Myungjun snarled, legs fully healed as he jumped to get something from underneath the seat.
Retrieving a small stick-like item, as soon as the creature roared again, he threw it right into its mouth.

An explosion followed right after, making the creature drop the car.
The car dropped onto the cement ground, wheels rolling off and side of the car getting destroyed.

"Wonder if my insurance will cover this.." Myungjun grumbled as he got out from the burning car, Eunwoo coming out right after him.

"Captain, your legs-"
"Yeah they're healed. Remember.. uh.. that time when I was sent to the hospital cause of my leg? Or whatever I went for-"

"Yeah.. Turns out I'm infected."

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