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It was a good day. Myungjun had come back, which meant Eunwoo didn't need to put up with Minhyuk's constant complaining.
Myungjun even brought him to the station, where he scolded Minhyuk in front of all the police officers, making Eunwoo's light shine green.

They had went on a couple of missions, leading them up to the mutated alpha case once more.
However, today. It had snowed.
Eunwoo, for the first time in his life, had seen snow properly.
He was processing everything when they were in the car, driving to the destination they were meant to be at.

Myungjun noticed him constantly staring out the window.
"Never seen snow in your life?"
"No. It doesn't normally snow here, it looks like my weather calculations were a bit off today." Eunwoo said.

"Aha. Cool, cool. Anyway, do you not need to like.. cover up? As much as I believe you to be resistant to extreme heat and shit, I don't think your processors can just naturally generate heat. Can they?"

"They can. But it might help keep my hardware from frosting. It's not serious or something to worry about, and it's not something that will affect me much either. It might just make me.. say random stuff out loud." Eunwoo said slowly, Myungjun smirking.

"Oh so like, fun facts and shit?"
The officer laughed slightly.
"And as curious I am to hear those facts, I rather not be investigating a scene and you randomly start talking about toucans." He said, digging in his trunk before pulling out a coat and gloves.

"Here you go. It should fit you well enough." He said, giving the stuff to him.
"Thank you."

Myungjun shoved his gun into his holster and waited for the other to put on the items, smiling a bit when he saw him with the coat.
"There we go. Alright, what's the matter today?" He asked, as they started heading to the site.

"It has been confirmed that 7 hunters shot down the mutated Alpha and what seems like an omega. They have taken them to the zoo, where they will attempt to analyze its blood samples. However, officers have found a training area where they would have assumed, the wolves were training. They think there might be a camp nearby." Eunwoo said.

"Aha, okay. God, this case is exhausting, but looks totally worth it for my paycheck." Myungjun mumbled the last part, but Eunwoo picked up on it. Though, he didn't comment on it.

They arrived at the training area. There was a bunch of acorns and arrows lying there on the ground. Ripped dummies lay on the ground, and droplets of dried blood were on the icy ground.
"Oh this reminds me of that one book I read. Some wolves created training equipment to get better at their combat. Cool!" Myungjun said excitedly, like a child.

Suddenly, his foot sunk down a bit into the ground, making him lose balance and tip over.
Eunwoo grabbed his hand, light flashing red.
He quickly pulled him up and shielded him, an arrow sinking into his coat.

"Awh fuck, my reflexes are shit." Myungjun complained, pulling the arrow out of Eunwoo's coat.

"Looks like some of the pressure plates still work. It is best we avoid this ground, Captain." Eunwoo said, Myungjun huffing.
"But we need to get some evidence. Here, you go in and find anything you can. I'll join the others over there, looks like they can't think up anything."

"On it, Captain."

Myungjun went over to the confused officers, while Eunwoo headed onto the training area.
His foot sunk down almost immediately, an arrow hitting his head.
It bounced off of him and fell down, it would be hard for them to pierce his skin.

Uncovering the bump in the snow, he saw the head of a dummy, half of it ripped off.
It shot an acorn at him, but he managed to grab it before it hit him.
He threw it to the side and inspected the bite.

It looked too small for an Alpha's jaws, but much too strong for an omega.
It was similar to that of a beta.
Alpha, beta and Omega so far.

His nose picked up a scent - an omegas one.
His light flashed orange.

He took off the coat and gloves, folding them neatly and shifting.
Eunwoo shook himself to get the snow off of his fur, before he rushed out to check where the scent was coming from.

He finally slowed down, sniffing.
He dropped down into a stalking motion when he saw a wolf, presumably picking herbs.
He attempted to scan its features, but it was impossible with it turned away.

Needed for questioning. Take it in.

He lunged, and pinned it to the ground, hearing a yelp.
"What the- Get the hell off of me, asshole!" The wolf snapped, trashing underneath him.

Eunwoo scanned his features.

Dongmyeong, name assigned at birth. Belongs to a pack called 'OneWe'. Omega. Age unclear. Male.

"You are Dongmyeong, yes?"
"Wh- how the fuck do you know? Who are you?" Dongmyeong said, panting as he looked up at him.

"I am Eunwoo. I am here on a case with several other officers, we are investigating the mutated Alpha that is roaming this area. You have come into contact with it. It has been taken into a zoo, along with the other omega residing in this camp. There is 2 other wolves here. What are their names and where are they at this very moment?"

"And why should I tell you that?" The omega inquired, suddenly aggresive.
"Because it is important information-"

"I don't give a single shit about any important information, get the hell off of me before I make you regret this!"

"You will regret anything you do to me."
"Oh look, fuck full of yourself. I'm done!"

Eunwoo felt the wolf underneath get out, and a rock flew at his face.
He quickly caught it in his mouth, spitting it out.
His light flickered yellow when he saw the omega run off.

Go after him.

Getting up, he ran straight after the wolf.
It was smaller, much smaller than him. Meaning it could get into tighter spaces way easier.
He managed to keep up with it, snapping at its tail to try drag it back, but he missed by a few inches.

"Fuck. Off!"

He whirled around, and the omega lunged at him, making him stumble back against a river.
They both fell into the river, the omega coming back up for air.

Eunwoo snarled, components simulating shivering.
He snapped at the Omegas leg, hearing a yelp.
He began dragging it back to shore, but it kicked his snout, slamming his head into the rock.

His vision blurred for a second, but it was just enough for the omega to leave his line of sight.
He couldn't pick up much either because the water was rushing in his ears.

He shifted back into his human form, and grabbed onto a rock, coughing up some water. It was simply to get it out of his software.
The current was far too strong, and he lost his grip, the stream pulling him down further into a forest.

His light flickered yellow, scanning his surroundings quickly.
Eunwoo saw a broken off stick from a tree, and he lunged for it, holding onto it.
He used it as his stopping point, hoisting himself up just in time for it to snap.

He got up onto the snowy land, shaking off the water.
His uniform was soaked, and there was purple liquid leaking out of his wrist and temple.

"That is unfortunate.." He said in a hushed voice, looking up.

He was in the middle of nowhere. It was impossible to pinpoint which direction he came from now.
He attempted to scan his surroundings, getting the tiny bit of information on where he was at the moment.

He heaved himself up, trying to send a text to Myungjun - but it wouldn't work.
It seemed there was an error in his software which didn't allow him to do what he wanted to do.

He even tried to make a report to Electro.corp, but he couldn't.

"And what are you doing out here, in my territory?"

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