I scoffed "Am I not good enough for you?"

"It's not that," Lucius growled.


"Every second that you two are together, puts the rest of the family in even more danger," he explained. "I love my family. I can't bear to see them in pain. So that is why I need you to end this."

"You do realise," I argue "that if I end this with Draco, he'll be in a lot of pain?"

"At least it's better than being dead."

I fell silent at this last comment.

"Now end it with him... or I'll have to resort to killing your family."

I froze. No. He wouldn't do that.

But when I looked into his eyes, all I saw was determination.

What was I going to do now? Who was I going to choose? Draco or my family?

"Alright," I said softly "I'll end it with him."


Trembling, I dialled the number of my other cell phone. I pressed the button that would out him on speaker and I waited for him to pick up. Lucius'  eyes were glued to the phone as the familiar dial tone rang. Finally he picked up.


I gave a small gasp when he picked up.

"Draco...hi." I said finally.

 "Hey. Well...I managed to answer the phone," He joked.

"Yeah," I answered "I can see that." I smiled sadly.

"Amanda...is there something wrong?" he asked. All trace of humour had left his voice.

"Actually...yeah, there is."


"I've been thinking..."  Lucius beckoned for me to hurry up.


"I don't think I can keep going like this."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...this...us." I tried to explain

"What do you mean us?" he repeated.

I sighed sadly "I don't think I can be with you anymore Draco."

 "What are you talking about?" he asked . "Weren't we fine just before?"

"That's just it. We WERE fine. Now we're not."

"What are you talking about? What could have changed between then and now?" He yelled.

"I just started thinking." I lied, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible. That overwhelming sensation of sadness was beginning to build up within me.

"Why couldn't we talk about this face to face?" he  asked "Who the hell breaks up with someone over a cell phone thing?"

"I just don't love you anymore!" I finally lost my cool and yelled. "This was just a giant mistake ok. You're Draco Malfoy. You're a death eater. Have you ever thought about the danger you've been putting me in?"

"You don't think I know that? You don't think I worry about you every say and every night?"

"Worrying isn't enough" I said . "I'm sorry, but it's true."

It was silent for a while.

"I don't believe you."

"Oh my goodness Draco!" I  sighed "Listen, I don't love you. I've never loved you. You were just someone to be with at Hogwarts."

 "I still don't believe that."

"You want to know what the truth is Draco?" I asked softly

He stayed quiet

"I'm in love with Harry Potter. I always have...and I always will. He's then one who's fighting for our freedom, he's out there doing something to stop evil instead of encouraging it. I'm sorry Malfoy...it's over."

I quickly hung up before I let out a strangled sob. It was over. We were over. Lucius lifted the charm and I was able to move freely again. All I could though was break down.  

He let out a quiet thank you before disapparating away.


Yay I uploaded!!!!

You know the drill guys, vote and comment!!!!!!!!

For the next chapter to be uploaded, I require 25-30 votes!

Also, Im kinda sick of my current cover. I'm going to hold a cover making contest.


-include Tom Felton and Emma Watson

-Includes heading "Choices"

- includes sub heading "A Draco Malfoy Love Story" (optional)

Post the link of the picture on my comments.

Entries close on the 8/4/2011

You have a month!

The winner gets a dedication and first viewing of the next chapter. Oh...and you also get the honour of seeing your artwork on display ;)

Thanx to all my fans!!! I love you all!!!!

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