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You gasped and dragged Wilbur into the room.  There were polished weapons of all sorts hanging on one wall. On the next were stands of shiny armor, all made out of something you've never seen berfore. The wall with the door you came through was covered in chests, likely full of things that would be useful in battle. On the wall opposite the door you came through was another door, but it was on a platform atop of stairs. Sitting on the stairs was Quackity. He sat in a suit, his legs crossed. Fundy sat on the floor at the base of the stairs, and Niki was laid on the floor in front of the door, her legs extended and running up the wall.

"Hello!" Niki said, hanging her head over the top step, looking upside-down at you.

Looking over at Techno, you saw the smile wiped off his face. He moved to the armor stands in two long strides. "I suggest you prepare yourselves for battle."

"Wait, battle?" You looked at Wilbur in shock.

He put his hand in his pocket "That was no earthquake. That was  a chain reaction of explosives."

"Explosives?" You asked, but Wilbur had already turned around and was sorting through chests, grabbing anything he seemed useful.

You figured it was best that you do the same. If there were explosives going off outside, then you shouldn't be left unarmed. You weren't exactly trying to get yourself blown up.

You moved towards an armor stand, but before you could touch it, Wilbur stood in front of you.

"You won't be needing that."

"Wilbur I want to help. After all the time I've spent helping everyone prepare for something like this, the least you can do is let me help!" You met his gaze, and were surprised when you saw that his eyes were glazed with a fire.

"It isn't your decision to make, Aviva!" His hands grabbed your shoulders and moved you quickly backwards, causing you to stumble a little. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes.

You pressed a finger into his chest, pushing him away. "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you are not the Wilbur I fell in love with."

He let go of you and turned to walk away before stopping and shooting you a look over his shoulder that made a tear accidentally slip down your face.

"You're Right. That Wilbur was foolish." He rolled up his sleeve, only to reveal two black marks of his own. "That Wilbur was weak." He turned back towards you, taking slow steps in your direction. "That Wilbur was so mind numbingly dense that he couldn't see past his mistakes." He reached you, towering over you. The fire in his eyes had escaped and you could almost see it dancing along his skin. He was engulfed in flames and you didn't know how to put it out. He leaned towards your ear.

"That Wilbur is gone." He whispered before turning away.

You stood there trembling, not knowing what to do. Had everything you had been through with him meant nothing? Was it all a lie? No, surely it'll wasn't it couldn't have been, right? But something wasn't right. How had he changed on you so quickly? Just a moment ago his touches were soft and sure. Now his movements are fast and unplanned. He was right about one thing for sure; That Wilbur was gone.

You stood on a dimly lit porch. The smell of wet grass hung in the air, and if you listened closely over the yelling, you could hear the crickets chirping.

"I can't do it anymore Bennett! You're out all day, and don't come back until ungodly hours of the night! You don't ever help out around the house anymore, leaving me with no choice but to do everything!"

"It's not like I have a choice, ok? I really feel like I'm on the brink of something great. Can't you be supportive of that! I mean you're my sister for notch's sake!"

You couldn't take the fighting anymore. It was almost every night that this happened. You could see where Ember was coming from, but you didn't want to pick sides. Bennett was almost never home anymore, but because of all of the things that still had to be done to the little house they had bought, Ember didn't have time to have a job.

You walked inside. Bennett had his face in his hands as he leaned over the cracked kitchen counter, and Ember stood with her back to you in the doorway, hands on her hips.

"It's hard to be supportive when the bill comes in the mail with numbers we, quite frankly, can't afford! Your silly little daydream isn't paying enough to support us, and I'm unemployed, no thanks to you!"

Bennett looked up at Ember with hot sparks behind his eyes. "A 'silly little daydream'? Are you kidding me?" He moved towards Ember in two heavy strides. "You have no IDEA how hard I've worked to get even to where I am now!!" He yelled, his voice echoed through the house.

"I'm sure that's not what Ember meant." You said quietly. His attention drew away from Ember and on to you.

"Y/n this is none of your business, so why don't you do what you always do and just shut up, ok?!"

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