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Two weeks went by fast. Your days had been full of gathering resources. As confident as Wilbur was about this battle, you weren't so sure. Manburg was surely better equipped for conflict than you were. They may not have the people, but they would have the weaponry.

Your main job had been to collect the food that would be necessary, so you had spent most of your days in the forest and valley, catching anything you could.

You had taken Tommy into the forest and you taught him how to carve a bow out of some tree wood. He hadn't been very good at it, but he wouldn't admit it. He eventually let you help him, and you ended up with a few good bows each.

Arrows had been easier to get. You had met Fundy outside the border of Manburg, and he snuck you enough for everyone. He had even managed to find some of the more expensive arrows with the more damaging tips.

He still hadn't made much progress with Wilbur. If Fundy was in the room when Will walked in, he would just turn around and walk back out. You didn't entirely understand why Wilbur was so angry at Fundy, but you didn't feel like it was your place to ask. You barely knew Fundy, after all.

Come to think of it, you hadn't really had a chance to talk to Wilbur much recently. You had fallen into a sort of routine. You would work outside in the early morning. You always loved how the morning sun filtered through the leaves and onto your skin. The way your mind sang along with the tunes the birds would sing from the branches above your head. The soft sounds of your boots shifting the leaves around.

Around lunch, you would return back to the cave with your morning's collection, presenting it proudly on the old wooden table, whether it be an unsuspecting animal that had gotten itself caught, or a new bundle of arrows. You would usually find Niki in the kitchen cooking, or sitting at the table, cleaning a weapon of some sort.

Then after dropping off your things with Niki, you would wander around the ravine looking for Tommy and Tubbo. They would usually be found laying around, or goofing off, and you had taken it upon yourself to get on their cases about it. They would listen to you if you were able to find them. It had become a sort of game the three of you played everyday. They were never in the same spot, and it became harder to find them, but when you eventually do, you give them a small task that they can finish.

Of course that's not the only reason you looked for them. Wilbur had decided to join in on this little game, but instead of you looking for him, he would jump out from behind something and pull you in to steal a few kisses, leaving you breathless every single time.

After assigning Tommy and Tubbo a job, you would head back into the kitchen to help Niki with whatever it was that she was working on. You found that it was really easy to talk to her, and you ended up talking about everything. You talked about how Niki loved to bake, and how you would swim in the lake near your house during the warm months. Even Quackity would join in on your conversations when he was there. You would often turn on some music while you worked, and dance in the kitchen with whoever was there. Niki was your favorite person to dance with, but you were able to dance by yourself too, regardless of how terrible it may have been.

After dinner, you would find yourself managing Techno's potato farm. You hadn't seen much of Techno in a while, but you figured his garden shouldn't have to suffer because of it. You would work in the garden until late into the night, when the cave went silent, and you had to squint in the low light to see. You would have to borrow Techno's gloves, even though they were too big to fit your hands. You hoped he wouldn't mind.

When you were done in the gardens, you would walk into the cavern, glancing around, hoping to see Techno sitting in his chair, reading the next great adventure novel. You were always a little disappointed when he wasn't. You looked up to Techno, and you admired him for his bravery and strength. You would be lying if you said you didn't like Techno.

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