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You slipped into a seat on the outside of the audience, drawing no attention to yourself. Next to you was the same woman from the election. She noticed your gaze and smiled. You panicked for a moment. She had seen you get exiled along with Wilbur and Tommy. Maybe she didn't recognize you.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything." She said quietly in your ear. You felt your heartbeat slow down.

The festival had already started, and Schlatt was on the podium, rambling on about how wonderful he had made the country. You heard a few snickers throughout the audience. Looking up at the stage, you saw Tubbo standing in the shadows, his hands absently shuffling through his papers.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Wilbur and Tommy standing on the roof of a building. Wilbur was pulling at the hem of his shirt while Tommy fiddled with his bowstring. You couldn't help but smile when you realized that was your bow. As long as Tommy didn't do anything stupid, he could borrow it.

Your attention snapped back to Tubbo as he stepped onto the podium.

"H- hello..." He said sheepishly into the microphone. He was too close to it and there was a wave of feedback. He waited for the screech to settle before he spoke again, casting a stray look at Wilbur and Tommy.

"A wise man once told me, that L'Manburg was like a lettuce."

It took everything you had to stifle your laugh. Of course that's how Tubbo would tart off a speech. You decide that you would have laughed if you weren't so nervous, yet you couldn't help the wave of affection for the boy that washed over you. Tubbo was like a little brother to you. Him and Tommy both.

"There's so many layers of tasty and healthy goodness, and once you wash off all the caterpillars and worms off the surface, it's a pretty goddamn good meal."

Tubbo's innocence brought tears to your eyes. He had perfectly played his part as a spy, and in your eyes, that isn't a task for any boy. You had to figure out a plan to stop Wilbur from blowing everyone up.

"Schlatt has successfully washed all of the insects off our great nation. And with that, he's allowed the goodness and tastiness to shine through."

You saw a shadow disappear behind a hill in the distance. Your heart stopped. You looked up to the roof and saw Wilbur Sitting in the same position he was before. You let out a shaky breath.

"Now without further ado, let the festival begin!" Tubbo finished his speech with a shaky breath that matched yours. You glanced back to Wilbur, and saw him start to scale down the side of the building. You start to stand, but the woman next to you grabbed your hand and pointed to the stage.

Tubbo looked to Schlatt who nodded his head at the man in the beanie.

The man in the beanie quickly moved towards Tubbo with a thick rope, and shoved him down into a chair in the front of the stage. He tied him to the chair, Tubbo trying to break free. Tommy stood up on the roof.

"Tubbo, this is kinda awkward for me to say in front of everyone..." Schlatt paced in front of the chair that Tubbo was tied to.

"I know what you've been up to." He traced a nail on his cheek, creating a gash in place of the skin. You sat in shock, still squeezing the woman's hand. You were unable to move.

"Wh- what have I been up to..?" Tubbo choked out.

Schlatt cackled. The clouds had turned an ugly grey color, covering the sun, and the thunder rumbled along with Schlatts cold, empty laugh.

"What have I been up to he says," Schlatt laughed again. This laugh was even more manic than the last. "what have I been up to!?" He rounded back on Tubbo. The boy flinched, looking so small and helpless in the old wooden chair.

Schlatt stood upright and straightened out his suit.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe conspiring with the idiots! Wit-with with the, the tyrants that we kicked out of this great country, months ago, w-was it months, was it weeks?" He checked his watch and looked at the man in the beanie, who had a smirk plastered accross his face. "I don't even remember. Time flies when you're having fun, y'know?"

The whispers in the crowd became louder. Your head was spinning. The only thing grounding you was the woman's hand. Only one thought running through your mind; He knows.

You heard it bounce around in your head before your vision cleared. Tears streaked down your face. Or maybe it was the light drops of rain.

"Do you know what happens to traitors, Tubbo?" Schlatt said, standing behind Tubbo's chair, digging his nails into the boy's shoulder.

"N- n- no..." Tubbo said, his voice barely audible.

"Nothin' good." Schlatt said, tightening his grip on Tubbo before releasing him. You saw Tubbo breathe again. His face had turned a pasty white.

"Technoblade, would you mind joining us on the stage please?" Schlatt barked over the crowd. The audience was more and more unsettled by the minute.

Techno stood up from his seat in the middle of he crowd looking unfazed by the events. He walked up the stairs and stood in front of Tubbo, Schlatt standing off to the side of the stage.

"Tubbo, you are now an enemy of the state. Technoblade please, if you would, if you would be so kind, take care of this traitor. Take him out." Schlatt said, running a hand through his slicked hair.

"What, like, take him out to lunch?" Techno asked.

"Take him out." Schlatt repeated.

Techno stood confused for a moment before he tensed, finally understanding what Schlatt was asking. He turned and faced the crowd, making eye contact with you. He had his bone mask on so you couldn't read his expression. Surely he wouldn't. Tommy was still standing on the roof in tears.

Techno unhooked a weapon from his belt. You could hear your blood pounding in your ears. The crowd was screaming. The woman's hand squeezed yours even tighter.

Tommy jumped off the roof, stumbling for a moment before pulling himself back up, limping closer to the audience, but still concealed behind the trees.

Techno loaded something into the weapon. Maybe he would turn on Schlatt. There's no way he would hurt Tubbo. You saw Tubbo's tied hands clench into fists as every muscle in his little body tensed.

Techno sighed. Surely the weapon would be used on Schlatt. The rain picked up slightly. Techno turned around facing Tubbo.

"Oh god, I cant watch." Techno sighed as he turned his head to the side. He closed his eyes and aimed the crossbow at the small boy. Your breath caught in your lungs as the stage lit up in color. Fireworks. He had done it. He had killed Tubbo.

The audience erupted in pure pandemonium, running every which way. But Techno didn't stop there. Fireworks erupted around the crowd, taking out people left and right. You stood up, letting go of the woman's hand, and you started to move towards the treeline, but your feet stopped in place as you watched Schlatt drop to the ground when fireworks exploded nearby.

Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Tommy running to Techno, a rage in his eyes. You stood watching as Tommy pounced on Techno. Your vision was so clouded with tears and color from the fireworks that still raged on that you almost didn't even notice a hand wrap around your upper arm.

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