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"What the hell are you doing here?" You hear a voice growl into your ear as you were whisked away into the trees. The rain picked up. It was like the weather knew what happened. It felt like little beads pelting into your skin.

You turned around to see Wilbur pulling you further into the forest. His hair was plastered to his forehead, and his clothes were soaking wet. You look down at your own clothes and were surprised to see them as equally soaked. You had been so wrapped up in the festival that you hadn't even noticed.

"I thought I told you not to come!" He shouted.

"I can take care of myself! I'm not a child!" You yelled back as he dragged you into the field near the hill. He dropped your arm.

"I told you it was too dangerous! You should have listened to me!"

"I couldn't let you blow yourself up! I tried to stay in that damn cave, but the longer I sat there, the more worried I was!"

"The only reason that damn festival didn't blow up was because I couldn't find the button! If I hadn't seen you I would have set it on fire." He turned around and started walking up the hill.

The rain was so heavy that it left welts on your exposed skin. Raindrops fell so hard that they bounced up from the ground, making it impossible to see in front of you. You could see a few feet in front of you before everything turned white and blurry from the rain. You pushed through, fighting against the wind and reached Wilbur at the top of the hill.

"So why didn't you! You had the chance! Techno gave you time to do whatever you needed!"

"Because you were there! I couldn't risk you getting hurt!" He yelled, still not facing you.

"Why are you so concerned for me! I can take care of myself!" You repeated. He turned around to face you, grabbing your shoulders.

"Because I've accidentally fallen for you!" He shouted so his voice could be heard over the rain.

You didn't have time to think about it before you were acting. You grabbed his face and pressed your lips to his. His lips were warm and soft. He hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. You could feel his heartbeat racing, and it surprised you when you felt your own do the same. You ran you hands through his wet hair, the world disappearing around you until all that was left was you and Will. You fell into a rhythm, and your breathing slowed, but your hearts never slowed, adrenaline rushing through your veins.

His hands were on your hips, slowly exploring your sides before they ended up in your hair. You sighed into the kiss, causing him to tangle his hands further in your hair.

When you finally broke apart, you didn't go far. Instead, you stayed so close you could feel his breath. You stared at his now-swollen lips.

"We need to get out of the rain..." He said. You nodded, and he was already taking your hand and pulling you down the hill. You walked underneath the cover of the trees, the leafy canopy somewhat protecting you from the weather.

When you reached the entrance of the cave, the rain had let up tremendously, and instead of falling in sheets of water, it subdued to a lighter patter on the grass. Wilbur pulled you into the cave. The lighting in this part of the cave usually came from the doorway to the outside, but because the clouds covered the sun, it was drastically darker, but still light enough for you to see the whole cave.

Wilbur let go of you hand, instead reaching for your jaw. He pressed his lips to yours once more, his hand cradling your jaw. His other hand rested on your hip, and you grabbed his shoulders. He backed you into the wall of the cave, and you gasped when your back hit the cold stone. He broke away from the kiss and moved to your jaw, trailing soft kisses down your neck, sending shivers down your spine, and butterflies soaring through your stomach.

"We should go wait for the others." You breathed.

"If they even come back..." he said, letting you come away from the wall. You and Wilbur walked down the stairs, and across the bridges, making your way to her bottom of the cavern.

When your eyes adjusted to the lighting, you gasped and grabbed Will's arm. Sitting at the table was the woman from the audience. She brushed her lighter dyed strand of hair out of her face.

"N- Niki?" Wilbur asked.

"Hello, Will." She greeted. Her voice was light and sunny, although her tone reflected none of the happiness that you would expect.

"What are you doing here?" Wilbur asked, guiding you over to the table. You slipped into the chair next to him.

"I want to join Pogtopia. Schlatt has gone too far, too many times." She sighed.

Wilbur was about to respond when there was a commotion above you on the bridge.

"How could you do that!" You hear Tommy screaming from above you.

There was no response. A few moments later, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo came into view. Techno had Tommy slung over his shoulder, and Tommy was beating his fists into Techno's back. Tubbo trailed behind them, limping and bruised.

Niki gasped and rushed to Tubbo's side, helping him over to the table. She shot a dirty look at Techno before tending to Tubbo.

"You're a traitor!" Tommy shrieked. Techno dropped him, and Tommy fell into a pile on the ground. He didn't stay there long before he jumped back up, lunging at Techno. Wilbur stood up and held him back.

"Wilbur let me go! This man is a traitor! He killed Tubbo!"

"I was under a lot of peer pressure! If I hadn't killed him, we both would have been killed by Schlatt's men!" Techno growled back at Tommy.

"He would have killed me too. When you left, I yelled at Schlatt. He was going to have me executed next. I'm on Tommy's side." Niki said.

"Tommy, I've already told you. It's okay! There wasn't anything else for him to do in that situation." Tubbo groaned from the chair. Tommy glared at Techno and crossed his arms. Wilbur let him go.

The second Wilbur let him go, he made a grab for Techno again. Wilbur threw himself back on top of Tommy.

"You know what? You wanna fight Tommy? We can fight. But after that, we let it go." Techno said pointing to a small pit in the ground on the opposite side of the cavern.

Tommy scoffed. "I could beat you with my bare hands."

"Lets see it then." Techno said as he effortlessly hopped into the pit. Wilbur let him go again and Tommy followed Techno. Niki and Tubbo moved towards the edge of the pit to watch, standing next to you and Wilbur.

Wilbur gave a countdown. Tommy threw a punch at Techno, but Techno blocked it, sending a swift punch of his own back at Tommy. He couldn't move out of the way in time, and it hit him in the face. He didn't let that slow him down. He tried to kick and hit Techno only to be blocked every time. Eventually, Techno sent another throw, sending Tommy to the ground.

Tommy coughed and spluttered blood onto the ground in front of him.

"It stays in the pit." Techno said, stepping over him and climbing out of the pit.

Once Techno was out, you lowered yourself down into the pit, helping Tommy up. You helped him out and carried him to the table. You sat him down in a chair. He was staring at the floor in front of him.

You went into your room and grabbed a first aid kit before returning to Tommy. You silently crouched down in front of him and bandaged up his bruised hands. You motioned for him to look up, and he did. You gently wiped the blood away from his face. He stared into your eyes. You looked back at him. He was defeated. You had never seen him so upset before. His eyes reflected pure dejection.

Out of nowhere, he pulled you into a hug.

"Thank you." He said.


He pulled away. "Not just for now. For everything. Ive been nothing but a dick to you, and you've still been nice to me."

"Aww Tommy. You're like a little brother to me. I couldn't ever be mad at my honorary little brother."

He smiled and looked up so you could finish mending his wounds.

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