I shut my eyes.

If anything happened to her because of her selfless decision to save my life, I'll never forgive myself. I'll never forgive myself because even after I fucked up, putting her through all she went through, she still found it in herself to give her life for me.

And for that, I'll never forgive myself for. Because if anyone, she deserves to live and more.

She deserves the fucking world.

My heart beats rapidly against my rib cage. On the monitor beside me, it spikes the chart.

Do I dare ask for her location again? What if this time she does give me an answer and it's the one I don't want to hear.

The one that tells me that my Angel is an Angel after all?

Opening my eyes, at the sound of metal sliding, I see the nurse beside the blue curtain that divides the room.

She grabs the end of it and slowly walks back, pulling it open.

On the other side of the room is another bed. And once my eyes reach the person that lays inside of it, an audible sound of relief leaves my throat.

Oakley's brown beautiful hair lays sprawled across the pillow, the soft incline of her chest moves the blank as she breaths soundlessly. My gaze doesn't leave her face, the face I fall in love with all over again at the sight of.

Her nose twitches, which brings a smile to my face.

"She's so strong," says the nurse in admiration. "You're a very lucky man to have her at your side."

I nod, "I know. How is she doing?"

"She's in good health, and so is the baby."

My body stiffens.

Had I just imagined the words that left her mouth?

"Can you repeat that? I didn't hear you," I tell her.

She's busy handling equipment as she speaks, her back facing me, "Yeah, I said both Oakley and your child are in good health. You're both going to be lovely parents, I can tell just by the love you have for each other."

I now sit up, going against her earlier demand, and stare at the white wall in front of me. My blood runs cold.

She's fucking pregnant?!

For how long? She shouldn't be too far along, or else I would've noticed her growing stomach, right? Why didn't she tell me that I'm going to be a dad?

"Right, how long... till birth, again?" I ask, careful not to reveal she just gave away vital information.

"Thirty-five weeks. She should be expecting in April." The nurse turns around and her face drops with concern as she stares at me. "You feeling okay?"

I nod, "Yeah, I'm fine."

She nods her head as well, carrying equipment towards the door. She tries to put my oxygen mask back on but I refuse it. She utters something to me before leaving but I don't hear it through my rapid thoughts.

Five weeks is how long she's been pregnant. A month and some.

A month is exactly how long we've known each other

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