He looking absolutely pretty and adorable in that outfit.

"Is there something on my face? " He asked

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"Is there something on my face? " He asked.
I chuckled, "No, you are just too pretty. "
He coughed while drinking water looking at me with big eyes, blush tinted his cheeks.
"Hurry up, we will be late. " He said shyly tugging sleeve of my shirt. I grinned and finished my coffee.
"Let's go angel."
We reached his cafe. I opened car door for him. He thanked me and got out. I started to walk but I pulled him towards me by holding his waist. He gripped my forearms, "w-what are you doing? "
"I am reminding you that our date is still pending. "
He blushed and nodded his head shyly.
"How about tomorrow? " Are you free tomorrow? "I asked hoping he will agree.
" Tomorrow is fine. "He said softly.
I signed in relief and smiled, "ok tomorrow it is then. "
He smiled and stand on his tip toes kissing my cheek.
"Bye, see you soon. "
I grinned and waved at him, opening my car door. He entered the cafe and I drove to warehouse to have some serious interrogation with that bastard. I meet kyle at the entrance of the warehouse.
"Did he spill something? " I asked sternly.
"No, but he will soon. " He smirked.
"I will make him open his fucking mouth. Let's see for how much time he can keep his mouth shut, shall we? " I smirked evilly. Kyle crack his neck & we entered basement.
Warning:Act of violence and blood spill 👇

We entered to see that fucker is tied to metal chair chained. His face is bruised, head hanging low and he is breathing heavily. I casually sit on chair front of him and kyle stood beside him.
"Who sent you? " I asked calmly.
"I will not tell. " I raised my hand, in instant kyle punched in his stomach repeatedly. He coughed blood. I signalled kyle to stop.
"You are still not going to tell..... "He glared at me. I got up from my chair and kyle handed me pocket knife.
" Do you remember this knife? " I asked him smirking.
His eyes widened. I stabbed knife in his thigh. He screamed, I pulled back knife from his thigh twisting it. He winced, struggling against chair.
"Going to open your fucking mouth or not... "
"I don't know, he coughed still continued talking.
" I d-don't know who, I got call on my phone. "He said.
" Is it starnight mafia? "
"N-no, they does not talk on phone about any killing order, I used to work for them. "
I got confused but kept my stern expression.
"Then who the hell is your leader? "I growled punching him in face.
He grunted, " I don't know he gave me lots of money. So I accepted. "
"Looks like we have new enemy to deal with. " Kyle said sternly.
"I know you can't enter security of office alone, so you better start talking who the fuck helped you? " I growled.
"I did it alone."not meeting my eyes.
I rolled my eyes and stabbed pocket knife in his other thigh. He screamed," Luca, he helped me entering security."
I see red. He was one of my member in which they help kyle.

Kyle growled, "that motherfucker, I am gonna beat shit out of him and make him regret his action

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Kyle growled, "that motherfucker, I am gonna beat shit out of him and make him regret his action. " I will kill this bastard, I trusted him. "
"Bring that bastard here and make sure he will remind not to betray me but don't let him die easily.
I looked at fucker tied to chair and signal Kyle. He immediately pull out gun and shot him in head.
" Clean the mess and I want Luca in his place next time I come"I simply said and head out with Kyle.
Kyle was fuming, clenching fists, "I want kill him painfully. "
"We need to get information from him first that it was his doing or someone else is behind them." I said calmly.
His phone ranged, he clenched his fist in anger and cut the call furiously.
"Luca is nowhere to be found."I think he found out that we have caught you attacker. " He groaned.
I feel anger rising in me,"I will not let run that fucker easily. Find him where that bastard ran. I want him at my feet begging for his life. "I growled.
"I will try to hack his location and send our men to find that bastard. "He said.
" Find out as soon as possible. We have to know what are they planning to do. "
He nodded and we go to our seperate ways. I called David and told him everything. I told him to inform his men and start searching for Luca.
My phone dinged with message notification. Smile spread on my face instantly.

Hey, I want to know what should I wear
for date?

Same as last time angel. I bet you will look stunning.

T-thank you jeremy.

I could imagine him blushing, I smirked.

Have you eaten anything?

Yes with Sam. What about you?

I will now. I am on my way back to home.

Take care. Go back safely.

Bye baby. I miss you.

I smiled and slide my phone in pocket and drove back home. I reached home and took shower and head to kitchen to had dinner.Maid have already prepared my dinner.

Tomato pasta with Italian sausage👇

I finished my dinner and reached to my bedroom

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I finished my dinner and reached to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed thinking about date with my angel tomorrow smiling. I will not let something happen like last time. I will give best date to my baby. I drifted to sleep thinking about my angel.

Mafia's sweet addiction (B×B)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora