Jeff cleared his throat a bit before he replied seriously. "Are you sure you don't need my help? I can obtain the autopsy result from the lab whenever I want to. As long as you agree to my terms and conditions, then I will be more than happy to cooperate with you."

Giselle narrowed her eyes a bit in Kevinskey's direction when hearing the unexpected confident tone in his voice. "No, thanks. If you have the ability to obtain the result from the lab... then the police at the station will most likely have it in their hands too."

Jeff clenched his teeth at her stubbornness. "I underestimated you, young lady. Oh well, I will sit back and watch. We will see how it goes."

Vincent was quick to raise his hand and pointed toward Kevinskey in threatening behavior. "Better keep your distance."

Giselle glared at Kevinskey for one last time and then hurried to drag Vincent and Luna back to the car door. "Let's go." She instructed her friends who were staring sharply at the old man without a blink. "Get in the car." She murmured, causing the two friends to turn around and hop inside the car as commanded.

Giselle turned to glance at Jeff Kevinskey for the last time before decided to get into the car. A heavy feeling suddenly rose inside her. She cursed a bit at her stupid self for not accepting the help when she had the chance to.

"Giselle," Vincent spoke up at the same time that he started the car. "What's the real reason that you rejected his help?" While she hesitated to answer, he began to step onto the gas pedal, causing the car to speed up. "I know how desperate you are looking for your father. Wouldn't it be a good thing though if we accepted that man's help? It's better than that... um... asshole. You know what I mean."

Giselle blinked a few times to gather her thought together before answering. "I don't know him. Didn't you hear how confident he sounded earlier? He talked about the terms and conditions as if I had to give something to gain something from him. If only I had agreed with him, he would for sure ask me to do something for him... I... I don't want to risk what I have left now... I only have my father and you two... I don't know where he is, but I am trying my best... I want to settle my mother and sister's case too so that when he returns... he wouldn't have to feel so lost." Tears brought to her eyes promptly the second that she talked about her family. "Hopefully, it'll get better after..."

"That's alright. After you mentioned that, I agree. That man looked a bit suspicious." Vincent replied and then turned to glance at Luna. "Are you good, Luna? Why are you so quiet?"

"Oh... I was just thinking a bit. I used to see that man on television. I believe he is one of the influential men. If I remember correctly, one of the scholarships that I won at the university was also from his cooperation. Everyone said he's a very kind man. He donated a lot of money to charities. He's also a member of several community organizations. I heard he also adopted foster kids. Maybe he is not too bad of a man as we thought he would be."

Vincent nodded in agreement. "Not gonna lie, but based on your description, he sounded like a decent man."

Giselle stayed silent for a few seconds as she took her time to think through.

"What do you think Giselle? I am with you in whatever you think is best." Vincent said.

Luna turned her head to look at Giselle and then raised her brow a bit. "Is everything good with you? I know how everything is very overwhelming for you at the moment. Vincent and I are trying our best to help you out as much as we can. If you need some time by yourself, don't be afraid to let us know. I understand how hard it is to try to move on when losing someone we love."

Giselle took a deep breath and then shook her head slightly. "It's okay... I guess... I will have to be okay even if I am not... No matter how much I cry... and apologize... I still won't be able to bring them back to life..." She blinked a few times when her eyes began to heat up all of the sudden. "As for Jeff Kevinskey, I am not sure... After what I went through..., I am not ready to put my trust in someone I don't know anymore... It's just a bit hard to read people. I couldn't tell if they are being sincere or just faking..."

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