10k special chapter

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surprise surprise! thank you so so SO much for 10k reads so here's a little treat for you guys~

it was weird. it really was. it was raining every day and thunderstorms happened every few hours for the entire week leading up to wooyoung's funeral. however, when it came to the actual funeral day, it was sunny and genuinely boiling, just like how summer in korea is.

seonghwa and hongjoong had came down from seoul to be at busan, back to wooyoung's roots. they tried visiting san — who was staying at seonghwa and wooyoung's old apartment, but the younger boy refused to open his door to the couple. he even refused to open the door to yeosang, which was weird to say the least.

"come on, san, please!" yeosang banged on the door for the nth time this week. he sighed against the door, his forehead leaned on it as he said, "please, just let me check on you."

"go away." san said, his voice weak and yeosang instantly perked up. it was the first time he had heard san's voice in weeks. san just went off all socials and ignored / declined all phone calls from anyone and people were starting to worry if the boy was even alive. but, luckily, he was. san just decided not to talk to anyone.

"oh my God," yeosang breathed out, "please, san, just- just let me in, okay? at least let me see you. we're all worried about you. even mingi and yunho were asking where the hell you were these past weeks. everyone's wondering where you were and how you are. please, just let me in."

yeosang heard someone nearing the door and a click, telling yeosang the door was unlocked. so yeosang opened the door and to be honest, san was doing better than he'd expect.

the apartment was messy, of course, given that seonghwa wasn't in here for the past few weeks and therefore no one's here to clean up the mess and tidy up. but there were clean dishes, clear of chip packagings and no sign of any takeaway boxes. san was taking good care of himself, and yeosang was happy to see that.

"san..." yeosang started, his heart breaking over his best friend's appearance. although the apartment looked okay, san did not. in fact, san looked far from okay. it was obvious the other was broken in pieces and that wooyoung's death really, really affected him.

san sniffled and shook his head, "don't, yeosang. don't tell me how bad i look. i know how bad i look. i just... i just miss him, you know?"

yeosang smiled softly. he neared his friend slowly to make sure that san was okay with this, so when san didn't move even when yeosang was in touching distance, yeosang wrapped his arms around the broken younger. san didn't hold back. he broke down into tears and sobbed into yeosang's shirt.

yeosang didn't mind though. if anything, yeosang was glad that san was crying into his shirt right now. yeosang wouldn't know what to do if the san he saw today was different, in a sense that made it seem like san was over wooyoung's death already. sure, a month had passed since wooyoung's sacrifice and you know what they always say — move on.

yeosang didn't expect san to move on. no one that was present in the warehouse that day had moved on from wooyoung's death. so it made sense that san was still broken, needing someone to piece him back together.

"hey, sannie," yeosang said softly, patting san's back like he would when they were younger, "do you know what day it is today?"

san frowned and lifted his face from yeosang's shoulder since the younger was just ever so slightly taller than yeosang, "um, 19th of july?"

yeosang chuckled, making san smile a bit as well. and that was what yeosang wanted to see. the slow, but sure, healing process of choi san. to see san slowly heal from wooyoung's death until he ultimately continues his life. yeosang never expected san to completely forget wooyoung, — hell, if the man ever so slightly tries to forget wooyoung, yeosang would not hesitate to remind him of what happened during their entire time together — but moving on is a must.

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