twenty four

515 52 15

"this looks... decent." wooyoung remarked and seonghwa snickered. one of the guys turned back around to point their gun at them. wooyoung sighed, "honestly, now that we're here and no one's watching, can you take off your mask or whatever fencing thing you got there? i'm sure it's annoying since i assume you wore it the entire day."

(DO NOT take off your mask even if you're wearing it the entire day. DO NOT take off your mask just because it's annoying. please keep it on for the safety and health for you and others. please, please, please)

the two guys looked at each other and the shorter one nodded, taking his mask off first. the boy had bright blue hair, fluffy and standing up in all directions, and his face features were soft as well. he shook his head a few times and tried to fix his messy hair while staring at his reflection in the mirror. 

wooyoung stifled a laugh at how messy the boy's hair look. he looked over at seonghwa and was about to throw a snarky comment so his best friend could laugh with him, but when he saw seonghwa's face, wooyoung's slight smirk fell. 

"hyung?" wooyoung asked, walking over to shake his friend's shoulder. seonghwa looked at wooyoung and then back at the short boy, "am i dreaming, wooyoung? is this a dream?"

wooyoung frowned, pinching himself on the arm only to wince at the slight pain, "nope, nu-uh. why did you ask?"

seonghwa pointed at the short boy, "that's- that's- oh my god. i'm not wrong, am i, kim hongjoong?"

the boy stopped his movement of fixing his hair and turned around, tears brimming his eyes and a very, very small but visible smile on his face, "hey, seonghwa."

wooyoung, finally realising what's happening after a while, slapped his hand over his mouth, "he's the one?!"

seonghwa nodded, slowly walking and then straight up running to hongjoong to hug the now-crying male. hongjoong sobbed into seonghwa's chest as the older rubbed his hands up and down hongjoong's back, hoping to calm him down.

wooyoung looked over to the other guy, "and am i supposed to know you from my childhood?"

the guy chuckled while taking off his mask. the guy had long blonde hair that reached his shoulder with distinctive and pretty face features, "nah. i don't know you. i'm hwang hyunjin. nice to meet you."

wooyoung grinned, "nice to meet you, too, hyunjin ssi. now, would you mind showing me where to pee 'cause i really need to pee and i think it's best if we give those two some privacy."

hyunjin laughed and nodded, "yeah, come on." he beckoned to wooyoung to follow him and the boy did so.

just as wooyoung was about to leave seonghwa's sight, seonghwa mouthed 'thank you' to wooyoung, who just shrugged and smiled. 

"so, what happened with you, exactly?" seonghwa asked when the four was sitting around a round table and eating their pizza as dinner. hongjoong looked up, swallowed his bit of pizza and tilted his head, "well, it's long-"

"i want the full story. no summaries." seonghwa interrupted. hongjoong slowly nodded and put down his slice of pizza.

"when you went out to, um, do your work that night, you did lock all the windows and doors. but, just maybe a few minutes after you were gone, there were something hitting our window. so i went to open it like a stupid child would do so. i opened it and saw that someone was down there, holding a piece of rock and ready to fire it towards the window. 

"i went down to ask them what they were doing, obviously. and they said they were from my family! i laughed so hard i think i laughed for a minute or so, and then i told them 'what family? i'm an orphan'. they looked so serious, hwa, i almost regret laughing. anyways, they then told me that i'm the only son in the kim mafia and that my parents threw me in an orphanage to 'keep me safe'. 

"all of a sudden, the guy pointed a gun at me and i panicked, of course. i asked them what the hell were they doing if they're sent by my family. but turns out — and listen to this 'cause it makes zero sense — he's from another mafia called the park mafia and he was sent to kill me so the kim mafia would collapse with no heir left. but before he could shoot me, this gorgeous man right here shot him. and then afterwards, hyunjin took me here and we've been here ever since."

hongjoong finished and finally finished his slice of pizza as well. he reached over the table to grab another slice of pepperoni pizza but seonghwa frowned, which make hongjoong glanced at him, tilting his head like asking him 'what?' without saying anything.

"when you called hyunjin gorgeous, does that mean-"

"god no!"

"who would want him as a boyfriend?"

the two boys answered seonghwa's unfinished question at the same time. seonghwa's face immediately heated up due to the embarrassment he's feeling right now and hyunjin chuckled at it.

"no, no, seonghwa ssi. we're cousins." hyunjin clarified, "that would be incest and we're very, very against it."

wooyoung laughed at seonghwa's face, "you're so red! oh god! this is the funniest thing i've seen seonghwa hyung do. thank you, hongjoong ssi."

hongjoong beamed, "you're welcome, wooyoung. also, please just call me hongjoong hyung. there's no need for any kind of formality here. call hyunjin hyunjin hyung as well. i'm sure he's fine by it."

(i know hyunjin's a year younger than wooyoung irl but for the story's sake hyunjin's the same age as hongjoong and seonghwa)

wooyoung looked at hyunjin who just shrugged, "i'm fine with it. as long as you pay me respect, that is."

"oh," seonghwa snorted, "you're asking from the wrong kid. wooyoung does not have the word or concept of respect in his dictionary."

hongjoong widened his eyes, "really?"

"mhm, really." wooyoung himself replied this time. the entire table cracked up and started laughing over wooyoung's shamelessness.

"no, i'm not kidding!" wooyoung tried defending himself, but ended up sending the rest of the boys into higher pitched laughters.

"that's the point, wooyoung, that's the point!"

DESTINED.  wsn ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora