Moving towards the kitchen space rather than the sofa where Lux had thrown himself, Cal pointed towards one of her cupboards, "should I get the glasses out Mol?"

"Yeah, yeah, you know where they are." She replied, waving him off, "I've got other stuff as well if anyone wants it." As they nodded in response, Mollie made her way through to sit down on the sofa besides Lux, "so who's coming along tonight again?"

"Pretty much everyone." Lux told her bluntly, "we'll find out when we get there."

"You're helpful." Mollie scoffed, sarcasm in her tone of voice.

Placing the four glasses on the table as he sat down, Cal gave Mollie a light shove on her side, "you'll just stay with us and the girls all night anyways Mol, you don't need to worry about who's gonna be there."

Sticking up for Mollie, Harry raised an eyebrow at the taller Callum, "easy for you to say Freezy, you'll start chatting to any random donny who comes up to you. I reckon you'd have a conversation with a lamppost if it tried to have a conversation with you."

A smug smile coming to her face at Harry's support, Mollie whipped her head back round to face Cal and pointed a finger at him, hitting Lux with her hair in the process, "he's not wrong you know, you could talk for England, lad."

Pointing a finger back at her, Cal pushed his lips together, knowing he had the perfect argument, "well Miss Moo, if I didn't talk for England you wouldn't be here with us, would you?"

Unable to do anything but agree, Lux only managed to take Cal's banter further, slamming a hand down onto Mollie's shoulder, "you would be a right loner."

"He has a point, actually, to be fair." Harry murmured, scratching his shoulder awkwardly, scrunching up his face in an apologetic manner as he looked over to Mollie as her mouth had dropped open slightly.

"Oh fuck off you lot." Mollie began to laugh, running her palm across her face as she shrugged, "it's true though I guess. I owe you one Cal."

"Yep, you do." Cal replied, completely and utterly unbothered, just pleased to have won the argument.

Wanting to move on with the evening, Harry rocked forward in his seat so his feet banged on the floor and rubbed his hands together, "who gives a shit if Mollie would be a loser without us? Let's order some food. I'm absolutely starving boys."

"Nando's anyone?" Lux suggested, looking round for the rest of the groups opinions. With a good reception all round, they got on and ordered their meals, Mollie's phone being passed between the lot of them a few times round to make sure everyone was getting exactly what they wanted, which was difficult when they all fancied basically the entire menu.

Once the food was finally ordered, it meant for the drinks to begin. Roughly half an hour of casual chat mainly focusing on the upcoming JJ versus Logan rematch in which they were going out to celebrate the official announcement of that night leading to a whole tournament of the pointing game after Cal swore that he would be able to read Mollie's mind like a book before the food arrived. Once Mollie had retrieved the order from the delivery driver and had a painfully awkward conversation at the door which left the boys in stitches, they all wasted no time in tucking in. Although, they were so hungry that it didn't take long at all for them to finish their food and realise they should have been leaving ten minutes earlier.

Jumping up from the sofa, Mollie snatched up the plates and cutlery, putting them haphazardly aside as Lux ordered an Uber. Raising an eyebrow as Mollie rushed around, Harry caught her by the shoulder, "calm down Mol. No ones gonna care that we're gonna be a bit late, no one's ever on time to the pub. I doubt JJ's even left yet.

Agreeing as he chucked Mollie her favourite denim jacket from the side, Cal let out an amused chuckle, "for someone who's so late to everything I'd think you'd have stopped caring about being late, lass."

Rustling through her bag to ensure she would have everything she needed, Mollie spoke to them without taking her focus off it, "just because I'm often late doesn't mean I don't try, I haven't been later than fifteen minutes without a good reason in ages — shit." She mumbled under her breath, stopping her own rambling, throwing her jacket back to the side and running back into her room and grabbing her phone from charge and slotting it into her bag.

"The Uber will be here in a minute." Lux announced, joining the trio gathered at the door.

Throwing her keys up and catching them, Mollie looked round at everyone, "we all got everything?" She asked, seeing only nods in response from the amount of times that she'd asked in that short space of time. Mollie Devlin was a worrier. She always wanted to make sure that everyone and everything was okay and was quite well known for having an bottomless bag with basically everything anyone could ever need, from tampons to safety pins, meaning she felt awful if she ever didn't have something someone needed, which everyone always told her was stupid. "We'll wait outside yeah?" With a nod they started piling out of the door.

"Mollie, jacket." Harry quickly informed the girl as she was just stepping out of the door.

Shrugging, Mollie barely batted an eyelid, "I'm sure I'll be fine."

Taking it upon himself to wrap the jacket around her shoulders, Harry gave her a stern look, "it's bloody September. And based on last week you'll freeze. Don't you remember freezing your arse off on the way home last week? And that was August."

Pulling it over her arms with a dramatic roll of her eyes, Mollie let out a small chuckle. He had a point, last week was freezing. A sign that summer was beginning to come to and end, which Mollie wasn't quite sure was fair, "well damn I can't control the weather, Harry."

Blinking for a moment, Harry's eyebrows furrowed as he scratched the top of his head, "I feel like that was a reference to something."

"That 70s show." Mollie replied softly, a small smile coming to her lips as she looked back up at Harry now that they were no longer climbing down the flights of stairs. The lift Mollie would normally go for being broken (again) and under repairs, forcing them to take the many stairs back to the bottom floor.

Making a small 'o-shape' with his mouth, Harry nodded, "knew I should've recognised it from somewhere."

Leaving the door to the apartment block, a wave of cold air hit Mollie like a truck, causing her to pull her jacket closer around herself and furrow her eyebrows, letting out a long sigh to try and battle with the cold. Watching her, a smirk came to Harry's lips, "told you."

"Fuck off." Mollie whispered back.

word count! 1830

update today rather than yesterday bcos i was drunk yesterday lmao

hope you liked this chapter!


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