Chapter 18

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"I hope we don't regret this John B," Chloe whispered.

"Sarah is going to be okay, we've got to do this," John B added. Chloe turned her head back and looked at Sarah paddling in the opposite direction. Sarah turned around too and smiled at Chloe causing her to blush.

"She looked back John B," Chloe stated.

"She's in love Chloe. That just proves it even more." Chloe smiled as she started to paddle faster with John B. They were at least a couple miles from the shore line. Chloe's arms were sore at this point, she powered through the last few strokes and finally ended up on land. She pulled herself off of the board and laid down in the grass.

"Never again!" Chloe exclaimed while John B laughed.

"I hope we don't ever have to do that again either," John B chuckled. He extended his hand out to you and helped you stand on your feet again. You followed John B up to the backyard of the house. A police truck sat in the front. Suddenly two cops walked out of the house, one you recognized as Shoupe and the other was Thomas. That's when you saw it, they were holding the gold in a bag. You watched as they stuffed it into the truck and then walked right back inside. They were clearing the place out for evidence. "Meet me at the boat dock, take the bike that's laying against the tree over there," John B said as he pointed to the big tree on the other side of the yard. "You're not coming with me to get the gold okay?"

"So I left Sarah, just to split up again?" Chloe asked while giving John B an annoyed look. She knew that he just wanted to protect her, but then why did he make her paddle here with him?

"I didn't know they would have the gold in the truck. I'm not debating this, I'll see you there," John B said as he patted Chloe on the back. Chloe stayed back to watch, maybe he would be able to get the gold and run back to her. John B stepped into the vehicle and didn't get right out afterwards.

"He's an idiot," Chloe whispered. The two cops came out of the house with their guns pointed at the truck. To Chloe's surprise they lowered them. Chloe realized what John B was trying to do; he was going to steal the truck.

"John B! Get those hands up!" Shoupe yelled. John B suddenly started the truck and drove off as fast as he could. Chloe sighed and ran over to the tree with the bike. She started to peddle as fast as she could but the cops didn't chase after her. It was obvious they were only after John B now. She didn't need to escape with John B, however she was going to do it anyways. Chloe couldn't bare losing John B, she needed to go with him and keep the boy in check. He may need company on an island where he doesn't know anyone. She didn't want him to be alone out there and she knew that Sarah would come with them. Sarah wouldn't stay behind without Chloe, her father would just kidnap her again and brainwash her to hate the Pogues. Cop cars sped around the island while Chloe peddled to the other side of the cut. The bike ride was a good fifteen minutes as well, she was going to be exhausted by the time she gets on the boat. However she knew the terrors wouldn't be over yet. She arrived at the dock and saw a boat sitting next to it. The other three Pogues were there packing it with food. "Hey guys," Chloe said.


The gang gave the girl a big group hug. "Are you sure you have to go?" JJ asked.

"I'm sure, I have to go with John B. I'm in trouble for foster care here. As long as I'm with Sarah, I'll be okay. Promise," Chloe explained with a smile.

"We're going to miss you a lot Chlo, but we will see you again soon," Kiara said.

Suddenly a loud police siren filled the area and flashing lights surrounded them. John B pulled up in a police truck and parked it in the brush. Sarah hadn't arrived yet, she was no where to be seen. "Where's Sarah?" John B asked.

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