Chapter 16

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Warning: Heavy smut in the middle of the chapter!!
There was never a happy ending in Chloe's world. Their one chance at arresting Ward was already gone out the window. Rafe Cameron came and saved the day for his father. Chloe's world seemed to be spinning in circles. "Hey. Hey. Hold still. Hold still. It's okay," John B soothed.

Chloe rushed over to the boy. Officer Peterkin was bleeding really badly; Chloe knew her chances of survival were low. "I'm so sorry," Chloe whispered.

"Call," Peterkin sighed. "Call for help."

John B grabbed ahold of the radio but suddenly Rafe was holding a gun at his head. "Rafe stop it!" Ward exclaimed.

"Dad! He's got the radio!" The tall blonde boy yelled. Chloe could see the crazy look in his eyes and it gave her the chills.

"John B, give me the radio," Ward said.

"No." Chloe didn't know what to do. If they refused to give him the radio, they would likely be shot right away.

"Don't try it asshole!" Rafe yelled as he inched forward with the gun. Ward pushed him backwards and extended his arm out.

"John B, just give it to him man," Chloe whispered. "We don't have a choice."

John B reluctantly gave the man the radio. Rafe still was holding the gun towards the teens. He seemed to be having some kind of panic attack. "Rafe, son it's okay, I have the radio." Ward held the radio up so the boy could see it.

"Run," Peterkin whispered.

"We can't leave you," Chloe replied with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Thank you for everything."


"I'm so sorry." John B and Chloe slowly stood up and walked backwards.

"Another cop!" Chloe yelled. Rafe and Ward both looked towards the end of the runway giving the three teens a chance to make a break for it. Chloe grabbed a hold of Sarah's hand and pulled the girl along with her. There was no way she would be leaving her with Ward again.

"Hey! They're running!" Rafe yelled. It was too late, the teens were already far enough away. Gunshots filled the air but suddenly they stopped. For some reason Ward and Rafe weren't chasing after them. Chloe didn't even bare to look back to see what was happening. Soon enough they were out of sight and finally could slow down. Chloe hadn't been more exhausted in her entire life than she was right now. It had been a rough couple days and all of it just for money. Maybe she was meant to be poor for the rest of her life. Chloe wrapped her arms around Sarah tightly.

"I'll never let you go again," Chloe whispered. "Never."

"I don't ever want to be without you again... I can't believe my family is full of murderers," Sarah sighed. She started to cry again but Chloe wiped her tears away.

"It's okay, it's going to be fine Sarah," Chloe soothed. "I'm with you now." The teens continued to follow John B to a building outside of the airport. Hopefully they would find the other Pogues there waiting. JJ, Kiara and Pope looked shocked when they saw them. John B's hands were coated with blood, Chloe had blood on her shirt and Sarah's face was damp from tears. "Dudes are you okay?" JJ asked. "What the fuck happened."

"Sarah!" Kiara exclaimed as she wrapped the girl in hug.

"Who's blood is that?" Pope asked.

Before Chloe could speak up a cop's sirens were blaring in the distance. The group ducked behind equipment until the sirens faded away. "The sheriff showed up and... she tried to arrest Ward but then Rafe," Chloe murmured. "He shot her."

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