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Kamryn's POV:

I wait in the bathroom, sitting on the counter, tapping my fingernail against the test impatiently waiting for 5 minutes to pass. I could hear the frustration and anxiety coming from Chris through the bathroom door. As he paces back and forth, it makes me more nervous to see the results. I don't know If I should show him the results. He really doesn't want me to be pregnant. Soon, five minutes passed and on the first test it read double negative.

"Oh, Thank goodness." I sighed.

I looked at the second one and it read a double positive. My heart sank into my stomach and I don't know whether I should believe it or not. Scared of what Chris might do, I slipped the positive test in the drawer After wrapping it in tissue. Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the door while holding the negative pregnancy test in my hands. Chris must have been very anxious to know because the moment I unlocked the door, that's when the door swung open. Do need to mention that he doesn't look happy at all?

"What does it say?" He snatched the test from my hands.

"I'm not pregnant," I lied. Well, it was the half truth.

"You're lying," He accused, narrowing his eyes at me.

"You have the test in your hands," I pointed out to save my ass. Luckily, it worked.

"Here," He shoved the pussy test on my chest rudely. "Throw that shit away and wash you hands. Hurry up, so I can take you home."

I rushed and did what I was told. I waited the bathroom thinking about something that I was missing but couldn't put my finger on it fast enough.

"Let's go," Chris demand, knocking me out of my train of thought.

I left the bathroom feeling like I was missing something but a part of me felt like that loss was really the Chris that I used to know.

Life has been different since the day I had the "pregnancy scare". It's been 2 and a half weeks since then. Chris isn't the same man I fell in love with but I think it's the stress from living 2 lives, well, now three because we have to hide our relationship so, I understand. Cara's getting obsessive, I mean legit. My mother is acting suspicious and everyone is catching on to Chris and I. I must admit, we've been slacking lately. The deeper Chris and I fall in love, the closer we are to getting caught but it all narrows down to the day I went to jail. Something wasn't right about that day.

Although, Chris shows his love for me and we are getting closer, it's alot more that he's hiding from me. I can see it in his eyes. Whenever I come over unexpectedly for the last few days, he wouldn't even bother opening the door. I would have to text him and say that it's me for him to attempt to come look out the peep hole. I've tried asking him about it but he avoids the conversation, like purposely ignores me and changes the subject. If I'm not talking to him about us and school. He Honestly doesn't want to talk to me. He's never said it but I can tell.

Cara on the other hand, she's been closer. If I go, she goes. If I talk, she listens. If I'm hungry, she makes sure I eat. It may sound like she just cares but it's weird. She wanted me to be her Valentine and gave me a huge bear and everything. I can feel her jealousy around me whenever someone talks to me or Helps me. Especially, Chris. That's why him and I need to be careful. She's beyond Jealous of Chris but I may sound crazy, she seems jealous of me too at times. I decided not to stay for lunch with Chris anymore because she always wants to come. The girl is weird, I don't know what's wrong with her.

My mother and I haven't been on the same page lately. We've only had a couple little arguments but nothing major. She's usually all happy in my face and around other people but I can see in her eyes that's she's up to something or knows something that I don't know that she does. If I didn't know better, I would say that she knows about Chris and I. Hopefully she doesn't because I will feel stupid for continuing to try to hide it from her. My mom is a smart woman, she knows something. But that would make me let my guards down to find out what it is that she knows.

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