Chapter 8

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The Illusive Man was waiting for Commander Shepard to answer his hologram call. He was sitting in his chair with rage. The Illusive Man had our memories playing in his head. He was a second away of losing his better half. I was recovered from the base, but was unconscious. My brother appeared in front of The Illusive Man. "Commander Shepard, you're testing my patience."

Commander Shepard crossed his arms and said, "That base was an abomination. It had to be destroy."

The Illusive Man took a drag from his cigarette. "Your sister knew what had to be done. She's not an idealist, like you. She saw the bigger picture. Jane made a sacrifice that will help humanity evolve." The Illusive Man's heart ached.

John was bewildered. "What do you mean?"

The Illusive Man stood from his chair. "She stayed behind to disarm the bomb and replace it with the radiation pulse. Thanks to her, we will be able to study what was left behind and defeat the Reapers."

John was troubled by what he heard. "Jane died because of that knowledge. She..."

The Illusive Man cut him off, "Her knowledge is what will save humanity. You left her to die, Commander. She managed to survive, though. I don't know what her plans will be now, but I would be worried." The Illusive Man took another drag. "I'm sure she will want revenge."

"Stay out of our family affairs." John ordered. "Look, the Reapers are still out there. For now on we do things my way, whether you agree or not."

The Illusive Man walked over to the hologram and bellowed, "Don't turn your back on me, Shepard! I made you! I brought you back from the dead!" My brother smirked and cut the connection...forever. "Fuck!"

I came from behind. My torso was covered with bandages and dried blood. I had just woken up. I was ordered to stay in bed, but I wanted to see my man. "Is this a bad time, Pup?"

His eyes widen and jaw dropped. "Shadow, you're not supposed to be up."

I shuffled over and embraced him tightly. I cried, "I missed you."

The Illusive Man held me gently. "I missed you too, baby. You need to go back to the lab and rest, though."

I glanced up to meet his eyes. I smiled from ear to ear. I'm home. I'm finally home. "Can I rest in our bed? I hate laying on those operation tables."

He stroked my cheek and softly spoke, "Yeah, you can do that. I'll have the doctors check on you every now and then."

I buried my face in his chest. "Will you stay with me?"

"Of course." He picked me up with ease and carried me to our bedroom. He planted a kiss on my lips.

Time was going fast. My wounds were healing nicely. Good thing, too. The Reapers were closing in on us. Pup was putting in a lot of hours. I could tell he was stressed out. I had good news to help brighten his day, though. "Hey baby, I have to go to the Shadow Research Facility. I got word that they got some new data on the Reapers and need assistance."

The Illusive Man tried to give a smile but he wasn't feeling it. "That's great, Baby Girl."

I knew something was wrong. "What's the matter, Pup?"

He sat me down next to him. My palms were sweating and heartbeat was racing. "All these years you've stayed with me and I don't know why." He let a small sigh out. "You're going to be twenty-five. I'm hitting fifty-five soon. I hear what people say about us, and I know you do too. I love you so much, but I feel like someone younger can do better. I..."

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