Chapter 7

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This assignment was a long and brutal battle. We lost a lot of good people. The ship was hanging on by a piece of string. I almost didn't make it and for once, it would be my own fault. The final fight was at the Collectors homeworld, which was located through the Omega 4 Relay. No ship has ever returned from this relay. It was a suicide mission. I can only imagine what was going through Pup's mind. We managed to land somewhat safely on the Collector's Base. It didn't take long for us to learn why they were abducting the colonies. They were building a Human Reaper. They were breaking down the human bodies into materials for this Reaper. The Human Reaper was still in devolvement, much like the embryo stage. We had to destroy this Reaper and then the base, but The Illusive Man had another idea. My brother was getting ready to set a bomb to the base when The Illusive Man made a holographic appearance. "Commander Shepard, you did the impossible." His face brought a smile to my face. I missed that face. I dreamed of his eyes every night. I was ready to go back home.

My brother turned around to meet The Illusive Man's face. "We did this as a team. Many of them gave their lives." John said.

The Illusive Man glanced over at me. He tried his best to hide his smile. "And they won't be forgotten." He paused to light a cigarette. That's my man for you. "I'm looking at the schematics that was uploaded. A timed radiation pulse would kill the remaining Collectors, but leave the machinery and technology intact. This is our chance, Shepard. We can use this against the Reapers."

He was right, but I know my brother. He would never agree. "You're completely ruthless. You'll just create your own Reaper."

"Everything I do is to better humanity, no matter the cost. I never hid that from you." The Illusive Man was growing with irritation.

I decided to get in the middle. "He's right, brother. We can use the Reaper's own tactics against them if we keep this base intact. Who knows what's buried here."

The Illusive Man grinned. "Exactly."

My brother turned away and faced me. "You would say that, sister. This information will be the death of you. You should've listened to father."

My patience was running low. I could see the fire build up in The Illusive Man's eyes. I spat back at him; "It was knowledge that brought you back from the dead! Look, you may not like it but The Illusive Man's right. We need to keep the base."

Miranda decided to put her two cents in too. "I don't know. After seeing what was done here, I think it's better off destroyed."

John placed the bomb and spoke with confidence, "This base needs to be destroyed."

The Illusive Man's hologram turned around to face Miranda. "Miranda, don't let Shepard destroy the base."

Miranda smirked and replied, "Or what, you'll replace me next?"

Fire was building up fast in The Illusive Man's eyes. I hated what I saw. I know all he wanted was to use it to better humanity. "I gave you an order!"

"Consider this my resignation." Miranda shut him off and gave me a dirty look.

The bomb was placed and everyone was racing back to the ship, except me. I stayed behind to disarm the bomb and replace it with a timed radiation pulse. I had to act fast, though. The Collectors were gaining up on us. I called The Illusive Man back. "Pup?" Gunshots were fired. "I'm staying behind to disarm the bomb."

"No!" Pup wasn't enthusiastic with my choice. "I'm not losing you, baby! Leave it!"

"I can do it and still make it!" A Collector came from behind and shot me in the ribs. I returned the favor and placed a bullet in his head. "Shit!"

I could barely hear his voice. "Baby, leave it! We can find another way!"

I disarmed the bomb in time and placed the timed radiation pulse. "It's done!" I limped my way back to the ship. "Jack," I coughed up some blood. "I love you." I disconnected the call and fought my way back.

"Damn it! Where's Jane?" An alien rushed his way to the shuttle.

John examined the area but I was nowhere in sight. "Leave her! She probably didn't make it."

I crawled my way to the shuttle and slurred, "Brother..."

He bowed his head and spoke with a tear in his eye, "I'm sorry sister. I told you knowledge was going to be the death of you." He turned to his crew. "We have to go. The bomb will go off any second now."

Commander Shepard left me to die. My own brother left his little sister to perish with the Collectors. The timed radiation pulse was about to go off. I had to think fast. I used my biotic power to form a barrier around me. "I hope this works." I whispered to myself. I held the shield as long as possible. My ribs were burning and blood was pouring from the side. I could feel death creeping on me. The pulse finished in time. My shield broke down, along with me. I sent a message to Pup:

It's done, Pup. The radiation pulse worked. The base is intact, but I can't say the same for me. I'm losing a lot of blood. Commander Shepard left me behind. He doesn't know I switched the bomb out. You have to stay strong, baby. I know it's going to hurt, but humanity needs you. I did this for us, baby. I made a promise to stay by your side and support you through it all. I'm keeping that promise by making this sacrifice. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you, Jack.

My vision was starting to turn, but I was able to read his response:

Stay with me, baby. I'm not saying goodbye to you. I'm sending a team out right now. Hold tight, Baby Girl. You're going to make it, I promise. I brought Commander Shepard back from the dead. I'm willing to spend more credits to do the same for you. You're not going to die, baby. I love you, Shadow.

I held on as much as possible. I could feel my body slowly shutting down. The blood kept pouring. I couldn't move an inch. My eyes started to become heavy. My last sight was a group of Cerberus men rushing towards me. My last thought was hoping that The Illusive Man makes my brother pay for what he did.  

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