Chapter 2

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Years flown by like the ships in the galaxy. I found myself looking in the mirror at an eighteen-year-old woman. I made more modifications to my body and made upgrades to the shuttle. I now had biotics implanted deep within. The shuttle now travels faster and stealthier. The Illusive Man was a helpful asset. He informed me of an abandon research facility on the planet Tuntau. It was burnt and showed its age; but with work, it became known as the Shadow Research Facility. I was even able to recruit scientists and troopers. I developed enemies along the way, so the Shadow Troopers came in handy. I really wouldn't have made it where I was if it wasn't for The Illusive Man. Every time I shared my discoveries, he would send money to show support. I wasn't use to that. I figured it was time to meet with The Illusive Man. "How should I put this?" Conversation was never my expertise.

You have shown the most support in my mission than my own family. I am grateful for the support and guidance. I have been studying an important matter that I could use assistance on. It cannot be discuss over the terminals, however. It is too classified. Not everyone agrees with what I'm researching, and I need someone who's after the same thing: bettering humanity. I would like to meet in person to discuss this matter. I'm putting a lot of trust in you. No one has ever seen me, besides my workers.


Not long after, I received a message with coordinates to The Illusive Man's location. Turns out, I wasn't the only one who hides. He gave me a code to give his men when I arrived: MORTALITY

When I landed on Cerberus Headquarters, heavily armed soldiers greeted me. I was hesitant to hand over my weapons, but I had understanding. I was on their ground, after all. Besides, I could kill them with my biotic strength. "Who are you?" One of the soldiers ordered.

I held my hands up to show peace. "Shadow."

He shook me down. "Yeah right. I'm supposed to believe some girl is Shadow." His words made my jaw tighten. "If you're Shadow, what's the code, Princess?"

I clinched my fist firmly, but I know I had to stay calm. "Mortality." The soldier's jaws dropped and mine loosen. "So can I see The Illusive Man now...Princesses?" They lowered their heads and guided me to The Illusive Man's office. The HQ was largely built and heavily protected. We walked pass one of the labs. A group of scientist was studying and restoring broken Geth tech. This place was like heaven to me. There was so much to study. The best part was there were no aliens aboard.

We stopped in front of a big door. "You should consider yourself lucky, Shadow. No one gets to meet with The Illusive Man in person." The man turned and chuckled. "I can't wait to hear the boss's reaction to a girl being the 'Big Bad Shadow'."

"You made it this far without throwing a punch, don't do it now." I thought to myself. I opened the door and was amazed by the sight. The walls were glass. It revealed the fiery dead star and the millions of shinning stars. Even the floor revealed the stars beneath. The man I stood across from, though, was astounding. His breath had nicotine all over, with a hint of alcohol. His age didn't really show that much to be close to his fifties. His suit was open slightly, revealing some skin. His eyes were a blue steel color. They had to be prosthetics. Shit, I got hit hard with the cupid arrow.

He took a puff of the cigarette and his words followed. "Shadow? I was not expecting a young lady. How old were you when you began studying the Geth?" I was in my own world for a second, an imaginative, dirty world. "Shadow?"

I rubbed my neck and stuttered some of my words, "Yeah... I actually started when I was five. I made the discovery of the analyzing implant when I was six. It took a lot of years, but I managed to prove it as a success."

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