Chapter 6

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My brother's new ship felt contented. I knew eventually he was going to recruit aliens, but it had to be done. We needed all the help we can get for this mission. It was reassuring knowing we were on a Cerberus ship. "I don't like the idea of working with you, brother. But the Collectors are an issue."

My brother gave a sympathetic smile and said, "I know." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "But I need you."

I pushed his hand off my shoulder. "John, you can never fix what you did to me. Stay focus on the mission." I turned away with force. "I'll be in my quarters. Where am I staying?"

"Airlock." He responded.

"Of course." I mumbled with my tighten fist.

My brother spoke with sorrow words, "I'm sorry sister, but you have too much hatred for me and aliens. I'm doing this to protect everyone."

The Illusive Man was going to hear about this. I sent a short message to Pup:

I hope this is going to be a short mission. Commander Shepard has me staying in the airlock. I'm doing my best to get a long, but it's difficult. I miss you, baby. Love you!

We started building our team. Of course, the majority of them were aliens. I never understood why my brother likes them. They can't be trusted. It's a good thing they had skills, though. We found evidence that the Reapers and Collectors were working together. This made The Illusive Man concerned. Humanity was in danger. The Collectors and Reapers can dominate the whole galaxy. We had to act fast. The Illusive Man was also worried for me, as was I. This was an adventure of a lifetime; I wasn't going to pass this up. On the other hand, I didn't want to lose Pup. The thought of not being together brought pain, and it showed. "Are you okay?" One of the Cerberus crew asked. They were ordered not to reveal my identity or relationship.

I lowered my head to hide my eyes and choked, "Yeah."

My brother came from behind and said, "I know that's a lie. Does this have to do with that boyfriend of yours?"

I bit my lower lip, the same lip that had the scar. He didn't deserve to be a part of my life. So he didn't need to know about him. "Just leave it alone, brother. My emotions are my own. I don't want to share them." I snapped and went to my airlock. I started to go through some photos of The Illusive Man and me. I have so many good memories, but none of them involved my family. I thought I send him the photo of him sleeping. He never did see that one. That photo is my favorite. I have a lot of favorites. It didn't take long for him to call me. "Hello, did you need something?" I said sarcastically with a grin.

The Illusive Man smiled and laugh, "When did you take that photo?"

I couldn't hold my laughter. "A few years ago. It's my favorite. I have it on my desk at the research facility. You look so adorable!"

He chuckled, "I'm getting you back for that."

I sent him another photo, a photo that was meant for my eyes only. "I think this one's my all-time favorite." My face was turning red from all the amusement.

"Baby!" He shouted with glee. "I hope you don't share that one with others." I sneaked a photo of Pup while he was in the shower one night.

"My eyes only, baby." I giggled.

I could hear him light a cigarette. "What am I going to do with you?" He joked.

I leaned back and smirked. "I think the real question is, 'What am I going to do TO you?'" The Illusive Man let a groan out, a groan I'm familiar with. "Wait, you're pleasuring yourself without me?" I let a chuckle slip. "That's not fair, Pup. I want to be there doing it for you."

I wish I could see that smile on his face. "Trust me, baby, it's not the same. I miss you. You better come back alive."

I heard a knock on my door. "We're ready, Jane! Suit up!" One of the aliens ordered.

I swiped through my photos real quick and noticed a video. "I miss you too. I have to go, baby. I'm sending you something that will help with that little problem of yours. I love you!" I forgot I taped us having rough sex one night. Before I left for the mission, I received a message:

I don't know what I'd do without my dirty girl. I love you with all my heart. Please stay safe, baby. You're my world. You're everything to me. I want you back home with me. I know what you're doing is saving humanity, but losing you will be the death of me. I love you!

I smiled from ear to ear and replied:

Before I head out, I want to say thank you. You have always been there for me, and I promise to do the same for you. My own family couldn't accept me for who I am. I'm a woman who loves knowledge. I love to learn new things, and they couldn't accept that. I had big dreams for a little Antiva girl, and you made those dreams come true. Cupid hit me hard with his arrow when we first met. I still get butterflies when I'm with you. Last thing I want to do is look like a fool in front of you. You're everything I dreamed of. When you messaged me for the first time, I never thought of falling in love. All I thought of was my research and studies. Now, all I care about is you. If I had to choose between knowledge and you, I choose you in a heartbeat. Baby, I'm never leaving you. I use to wish for my family to want me, but all I want is you. No matter what happens, I'm with you. I'm by your side, holding you tight. Maybe one day we'll have a family of our own. The future will be bright, and we will have you to thank for that. I love you, Jack.

Jack was his real name. Jack Harper. The only time I called him that was in serious moments and when we are alone. No one knows his life story, but me. He trusts me with his life and I trust him with mine. 

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