Chapter 5

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Humanity was starting to rise, for a short time. A month after the fall of Sovereign, human colonies were vanishing. Human colonies were being abducted, but by who? The bad news didn't stop there. My brother was killed in a ship explosion. The enemy was unknown and very few survived. It wasn't a big loss in my eyes, but The Illusive Man thought differently. He had big plans for John and for humanity. Then a sight caught me off guard. "Why is my dead brother laying on the operation table?" I questioned with fire in my eyes. He was my past. A past I wish to forget.

Miranda glanced over her shoulder and responded, "Shadow, you weren't suppose to find out till later." She walked over to me with ease. "Go talk with The Illusive Man, he'll give you all the answers you may have."

I stuttered, "But..."

Miranda spoke with her usual bitchy tone, "I have to get back to work. Go talk to him."

I entered The Illusive Man's office with little patience. "Why is my brother here?" I exclaimed.

He saw the fire in my eyes. "Shadow, we need Commander Shepard." He said with comfort.

His words weren't comforting to my ears. "Why? We can solve the missing human colonies without him." I crossed my arms with force.

"The Reapers are still out there, Baby Girl. We both know that. We need your brother to help end this." The Illusive Man wrapped his arms around me. "I know you don't like your brother, neither do I, but he'll get the job done."

I buried my head in his chest. "I can do it."

He squeezed me tightly. "No. I'm not putting you out there like that. I almost lost you once. I'm not going to lose you again."

I loosened my grip and gazed in his eyes. "If this is what you want, then I'll support you, Pup. I always will." I kissed his lips. "You do know this will take time. You can't bring someone back from the dead overnight." He lowered his head and met with my eyes. His blue steel eyes will always warm my heart, no matter how many years pass. "I love you."

He returned a kiss. "I love you too."

Two years passed and still no life in my brother. It was no big loss to me, but The Illusive Man was growing doubt. I walked in on him sitting on the floor with a few tears. That was a rare moment. I sat next to him and wrapped my arm around his waist. I spoke softly, "What's wrong?"

He turned his head so I couldn't see the tears, but I knew. "Nothing's working. I'm failing humanity."

I wiped the tears off his cheek. "No you're not. You're doing your best. Pup, you're not God. A project like this takes time. I'm right beside you. I know we can do this. Don't give up, Pup."

A smile formed on his sweet face. He placed a kiss on my forehead. "I don't know what I'd do without you." The Illusive Man gazed in my eyes. "Move in with me, Baby Girl."

My eyes widened and heartbeat increased. "What?"

"We've been together for six years, Baby Girl. I don't want you leaving everyday. I want to wake up next to you everyday." He voiced with adoration.

"What about the Shadow Research Facility?" I questioned.

He caressed my cheeked and said, "You can still operate from here. I want you here with me."

I gleamed with bliss. I cuddle him gently and kissed his cheek. "I'd like that a lot, Pup."

I jumped on his lap and kissed his neck. The kisses were heating up. I removed his suit jacket and the kisses made their way down. "Right now, Baby Girl?" He chuckled with his eyes shut.

I joked, "Were you going to take care of this erection by yourself? I hope not."

He unzipped his pants and revealed a great sight. "Not at all."

Before I could make my way down, a call came in. "Boss, Commander Shepard is awake. I ran the memory tests. Everything seemed normal. Would you like to speak with him now?"

I starred at The Illusive Man with a grin. "That killed the mood."

Miranda spoke with embarrassment, "I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't know..."

I chuckled, "It's alright, Miranda. You delivered some news that brighten The Illusive Man's day." I kissed his cheek. "I'll let you get to work. I have to make some calls to the research facility. Love you."

A few hours passed before I saw Pup again. He didn't look too happy. "Is something wrong?" I placed his hand on my waist.

He let out a long sigh. "He wants you on his team." He said. "Commander Shepard won't go through this mission without you."

I took a step back. "Why?"

The Illusive Man took a seat in his chair and lit a cigarette. "Your knowledge and skills will be a huge asset to the mission. The Collectors are the ones abducting the human colonies. You have more insight on them than anyone else. He knows that you're needed for this mission, Shadow."

I sat on his lap and took a drag of his cigarette. "What did you say?"

"It's his mission, so it's his call." The Illusive Man wrapped his arms around me. "I don't want you to go, but he's right. The two of you took out Sovereign, a Reaper. If anyone can defeat the Collectors, it's you and your brother. I just..."

I cut him off with a kiss. "I know, babe. I know."

I saw a tear fall from his cheek. He choked, "I don't want to lose you, Baby Girl. This mission could be the last for you if you go."

A tear fell from my eye. I stroked his cheek and said, "Then lets make tonight special."

The next day was the day I had to leave for the mission. I had to meet up with John at the Citadel. It wasn't easy leaving The Illusive Man. We both knew this could be the last. Before I got on the shuttle, I embraced Pup one last time and whispered, "No matter what happens, I'm always going to be there with you."

He kissed my lips so gently and said, "I promise, when this war is over, I'm going to take you to Earth. You'll see the beauty and you'll never want to leave. And we won't, Baby Girl. We'll stay there forever...together." He held me close and whispered, "I love you."

Tears fell from our eyes and I made a promise to him, "These will not be my last words." I pulled him in for a kiss. "I love you too." 

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