Chapter 4

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Years flashed in a blink of an eye. I was staring at myself in the mirror. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. "What's wrong, Baby Girl?" The Illusive Man kissed my cheek gently.

I was speechless for a moment. "I'm 22. I never would've thought of being where I'm at." I turned to meet his eyes. "I have my own research facility; I've made many discoveries; and I have the best man by my side." I pulled him close. "And it's all thanks to you, Pup." Pup was a nickname I chose for him. He's adorable like a puppy. It's a perfect name for him.

He planted a kiss on my lips. "Nothing makes me more happy than being here with you. Together, we'll bring humanity to the top. I love you."

I embraced him tightly and spoke softly, "I love you too." I couldn't let go of him. He was perfect in my eyes, regardless of what others say. "You know, I still have time before I have to go back to the facility. You want to have a little fun?"

A grin formed on The Illusive Man's face. He chuckled, "I love my dirty, little girl." We made our way to his private quarters for some last minute adventures. Pup knows me so well. I love having rough sex before leaving his place. Every second with him was paradise.

When I arrived at my research facility, one of my workers informed me of something that made my heart drop. My brother was working with the Alliance Militia and was on a mission that he claims to be against the Reapers. I needed to get a hold of this mission. This Mission could help with my Reaper Indoctrination studies. I made my way to my office to call The Illusive Man. "Pup, we may have a lead on the Reapers." I could hear him light a cigarette.

"What did you find?" He grew excited. He knows I would never disappoint him.

"My brother is working on a mission with the Alliance. My brother claims they are going up against the Reapers." I lit a cigarette of my own. "If I can convince my brother to let me help him, we could get a hold of some Reaper tech or even find a way to prevent indoctrination."

I could already hear The Illusive Man's worried voice before he even spoke. "I don't like the idea of you going out there like that, Baby Girl. It's dangerous."

I knew the risk, but look how far I came. "I know it's risky, Pup." I glanced at a photo of us on my desk. It's from a mini vacation he planned for me. He took me to a planet that had a beautiful scenario. The ground was mostly sand, much like a beach. The water moved so gracefully. I had a great time with him that day. "This is what I signed up for, though."

The Illusive Man let a sigh out. The thought of losing him made my heart ache more than the pain caused by my family. I know he felt the same too. "Do you think your brother will accept your help?"

I put out my cigarette and said, "John needs someone with knowledge. I know everything there is to know about the Reapers. He's not going to want me, but he needs me. He knows that. John won't turn me down."

"But you're Shadow." The Illusive Man showed his concerns, but it wasn't going to stop me. I know it has to be done. So does he.

"I'm just Jane to him. No one knows who Shadow is. I'm just Jane to everyone, except you. I'm your Baby Girl."

"Shadow, I..." The Illusive Man was growing anxious.

"It has to be done if we want this information, Pup. We both know that. I promise to stay safe. Once the mission is over, I'll come over and we'll celebrate." My love for him grew everyday.

"I know." His voice became glum.

I lowered my head. "There's one more thing before I go." I looked over to another photo. I sneaked a photo of The Illusive Man while he was sleeping. He looked so peaceful. He looked so perfect. "We can't communicate after this."

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