She giggled at his small idea.

Levi glances to the side, capturing her happy face with his grey eyes, "as I thought, you're prettier when you smile.."

The woman hides her face with both her hands, trying to contain her blush, "w-well.. I want to go for a walk somewhere, if that's okay with you."

"Tch, of course. My girl will get what she wants."


The night has fallen, and Levi decided to take her to a long bridge near the Trost river. Perfect for a night walk.

"This is really nice." (Y/n) beams.

Her eyes wander to every corner of the wonderful view. There are blooming flowers decorating the sides of the bridge, all rich in color. 'Beautiful' is the only word that comes across her head when she witnesses all of this.

Without realizing it, her hands had made their way to rub her arms. Levi doesn't fail to notice this, "are you feeling cold ?"

"Nah.. a little bit. We're by the river, so it's a bit chilly out here-"

"Hold on. Stay here."

Levi saunters away at a fast pace, intending to retrieve something from the car since it's not too far from their location. After what feels like a minute or two, he comes back with something in his hands. Something that looks like a fabric. Without a word, Levi draped the soft fabric on her shoulder and wrapped her upper body with it, his hands busy straightening the fabric on her to make sure it won't slip or fall off.

(Y/n) smiles at his gesture, "ah, you didn't have to. But, thank you."

"Hmm.." she fumbles with the warm and comforting fabric, it smells like him. Fresh and clean, with a slight scent of black tea, "what is this exactly ? Is this a sweater or something ?"

"It's a blanket."

The woman wheezes, "you carry a blanket in your car everyday ?"

"Well," Levi clears his throat, "there are times when I fall asleep in the car when Braun drives me to my destination. That damn gay brat always plays shitty music on my car music player, it's giving me headache." He reasoned.

But then, out of the blue, Levi yawns, earning a concerned look from his secretary, "sorry for that, it's not because I find it boring being with you. But because being around you is so damn relaxing and comfortable."

"Is it because my heart's at peace..?" He slowly muttered.

"These days, I just want to sleep more. For someone who has insomnia, difficulty sleeping, it's a good sign for me."

(Y/n) chuckles, "then shall we go back to the car for a little rest ?"

"I know it's no manners to do that during a date, but.." he looked at her with tired eyes, yet smiling slightly, "maybe just for a while ?"

"Mhm. Let's go then."

--- Time skip-- Inside the car -

The vice president of the Ackerman Company has fallen asleep. (Y/n) only watches as his chest rises up and down in a slow motion, indicating a slow, steady breathing. That also means he's not having any nightmares, which bring relief to (Y/n).

His soft snores somehow makes her feel... happy.

It eases her to know that he's getting enough rest, considering Levi is a busy man and barely has time to rest his eyes and brain due to the work that keeps piling up. As his secretary, she knows how much proposals, project, contracts, and many other shits he has to deal with on a daily basis,

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now