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(Y/n) had pushed Levi to the wall abruptly out of shock as she jolted up to her feet, "DAD ??!!?" She then approaches him, who has been hiding under the blankets of her bed, "why are you here ?? You need to be at the hospital."

"I just wanted to check on you." He shrugged.

"Then you should've contacted me first instead of barging in without a warning or something."

Mr. (L/n) frowns, "I did text you, you were the one who didn't reply."

"Oh, that.." (Y/n) purses her lips, "there was an.. incident in the company that concerns some employees, I didn't have time to realize it. But I-"


Mr. (L/n) suddenly turns to Levi who just stood up after being shoved by (Y/n), sending the vice president a scary glare, "I want a word with you, now."

"Dad, just say it here, please." (Y/n) calmly places her hands on his shoulders, trying to stop her father from getting closer to her boyfriend who looks.. quite scared. But her father then unattached her hands from him.

He hummed, "step aside, dear. This is a guy's talk. You better stay out of this while I handle that man of yours."

"Dad please-"

But the older man had already walked past her, heading straight to the vice president, "come with me." His slightly wrinkly hands grasped Levi's arm, dragging the scared and poor man outside (Y/n)'s apartment. Levi sends his girlfriend a helpless look while letting himself be dragged by the elderly. The stoic look on his face is replaced by an anxious one.

(Y/n) gives him a small wave while sending an apologetic look, as if wishing him a good luck on facing her father.

--------- Later ---------

Levi gulped. His steel blue eyes are locked into his shoes, not daring to look (Y/n)'s father straight in the eye. He also has his hands folded neatly on his lap. The man tries to look.. Amiable in front of Mr. (L/n).

The two somehow ended up sitting in a street food stall that sells various cheap foods and liquor. Mr. (L/n) had ordered some snacks as well as a bottle of booze, after pouring himself a small glass of liquor, the older man props his elbows on the table as he glares at Levi, "you disappointed me very much, Mr. Vice President."

"Alright, you being here at her place is understandable, since you're in a relationship. I mean, back when (Y/n)'s mother and I were dating, I'd sneak into her house whenever her mother was away." Mr. (L/n) chuckled upon his old memories of his late wife, "anyway, how could you ask for her hand with words like 'let's live on ramen until our bodies are full of MSG'. Just what the fuck is that ? I know that MSG makes everything better just like what a famous uncle in an orange shirt said, but this ! You call that a proposal ?!"

The vice president shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "I'm sorry sir. But I meant it as.. 'let's live that simple and happy life together'. I really-"

"Do you really want to marry my daughter ?" Mr. (L/n) cuts him off, asking him with a solemn intonation.

Levi inhales. It's now or never to admit his real wish that has been buried deep inside his heart for years. It's time to fulfill the promise he made with the little girl in his past, which he had grown to love and adore so much all this time.

"Yes. I do want to marry her."

Mr. (L/n) leaned back on the plastic chair with his chin tilted up, slightly looking down at Levi, "then I want you to propose to her again."

The raven haired man blinked, "what ?"

"Even though the times have changed, romance still needs to be alive. I can't just give my daughter to someone who won't even make the slightest effort to be cool and sincere. Oh wait.. Are you not confident ? Where was that stoic and brave face I just saw huh ?"

Levi quickly shook his head while straightening his posture, "no sir. I am confident. In fact, I'm overflowing with confidence."

"Heh.. I like that attitude, even though it doesn't suit your face. Here, have more drinks. The night is still young, right ? Let's drink the night away !"

Mr. (L/n) poured more liquor into Levi's glass, which he politely accepted and drank in one gulp. And then, this becomes a cycle. The two keep drinking, shot by shot, until their table is covered by empty bottles of liquor. By the end of their drinking session, Levi.. got drunk. Just like Mr. (L/n) planned. Earlier, he was planning to make this vice president drunk, because that's the state where most people would be honest and pour out the true content of their hearts. Mr. (L/n) himself is still fully sober since he's not that easy to get tipsy or drunk.  

The vice president's face is flushed red. He has taken off his black blazer, leaving him only in a pristine white dress shirt and black trousers. Levi had loosened his necktie too since he's starting to sweat.

"Mr. (L/n), thank you so much for bringing (Y/n) into this world." Levi slurred, bowing his head at the older man across from him, nearly hitting his head on the table.

(Y/n)'s father hummed, "you need to be good to my (Y/n), alright ? Buy her many delicious foods and anime related stuff, she likes those. To be precise, she loves egg fried rice, and make sure there's no chili jam in it."

"Yes sirr~"

"Even though (Y/n) doesn't have that much, not as rich and famous as other ladies, you still like my daughter ?"

Levi nods sluggishly, this time hitting his head the table, "yess sir."

"Are you confident your heart won't change ?"

"Yess," the vice president's body started to sway back and forth, "though I lead the company that brings a change in this world.. My heart for (Y/n) won't ever change, sir."

The older man strokes his chin with his wrinkly fingers before giving Levi a curt nod.

"You pass !" Mr. (L/n) announced.

Levi nearly jumped on his seat upon his sudden loud voice, "sorry, wha.."

Mr. (L/n) folds his hands, "Levi Ackerman." He smiles at the confused vice president who's trying to process what just happened,

"I officially name you my son in law. You have my blessings, young man."

Within that second, Levi's eyes widened and the effect of liquor started to wear off as he abruptly stood up from his chair and bowed down at the older man, "thank you..! Thank you Mr. (L/n)."

"And... I want her to receive a proper marriage proposal, you hear me ? Ask for her hand in marriage like a real man. Make it an unforgettable moment for my daughter, make sure she'll remember that until the day her hair turns grey in the future."

"Yes sir ! I'll take that into heart for sure." He bowed again, this time, Levi tumbled to the floor with a small thud for the liquor had taken a toll on him. Upon seeing this, Mr. (L/n) laughs.

He looks down at the 5.3 feet tall man on the floor, "come on, what are you doing there ? Let's use our time to enjoy ourselves while my daughter is not here to scold us for being drunk hahaha !!"

Thus, the two men chug down more booze. Leaving the secretary in her apartment, who's now pacing around and feeling worried since they haven't returned yet. Oh poor (Y/n). She doesn't know that good news is coming for her.. soon.. when the time is right. 


a/n : If you like this chapter, or this book, make sure to smack the vote button just like how your parents would smack you  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Haha.. if you know where that phrase came from, you're really cool :)))) 

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