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"Pssst !"

The secretary's eyebrows furrowed when she sees Hanji sneaking out from Levi's office with an amused look, "is shorty feeling unwell ? He's never been like this."

"Um.. who ?"

"I mean Levi," the brunette jerks her head to his office, "he dozed off during the meeting and he's still sleeping. Wow."

"What, again ? He slept in this morning and was almost late too."

Concern written on (Y/n)'s face, while Hanji suspiciously stares down, "that vice president Levi Ackerman ? Who's always so strict with himself ? Slept in ? ... What just happened, is he drugged or something ?"

"I know right ?" (Y/n) nods in agreement.

An idea then popped in Hanji's mind, she wiggled her eyebrows playfully, "hey, wanna see something fun ?"

"...huh ??"


The two women are walking on eggshells as they tiptoed inside Levi's private office and sneak behind the large sofa he's sleeping on. Soft snores came out of his mouth, there's no obvious scowl on his face. He looks so.. amiable.

"Watch this..," Hanji glanced at (Y/n) before whispering to Levi's ear, "hey Mr. Ackerman."

Levi stirs slightly in his deep sleep, "nngh...what ?" he unconsciously answered.

The crazy brunette nearly broke into a fit of laughter but (Y/n) quickly shoves a handkerchief into her mouth, the secretary can't help but also snickered a little along with Hanji. The woman then speaks again, "which do you like more ? Black tea or milk tea ?" she whispered.

"Black tea.. But I want a taste of Ms. (L/n)'s milk though.."

At this point, Hanji wheezes so hard like a person having an asthma attack, "your milk, (Y/n) ? He said he wants your milk, pffffffft !!"

'Damn that sounds kinky..'

"I can't believe he's answering in his sleep !" Hanji whisper-shouted at the secretary beside her, "does his brain work 24/7 ?"

(Y/n) holds in her laugh, "I know, right ? I only just learned it too." she exclaims.

"But it's my first time seeing him so defenseless. Did the world change for him overnight or something ? Cause he seems so... peaceful."

Heat begins to rise up to (Y/n)'s cheeks. Her mind wandered to yesterday's confession. Maybe that's what made her boss fall into this state, before she gets a chance to answer, out of the blue, Hanji slaps her forehead, "I forgot ! I need to sign some contracts today, ah shit.. I bet Moblit forgot too, bye (Y/n) !"

She rushes out of Levi's private office, closing the door slowly to not wake the short demon up.

On the other hand, (Y/n) stays there. She crouches down to his level and smiles, his face looks so cute, Levi's left cheek is squished against the sofa. (Y/n) then heads off and comes back with an item in her hand. She drapes a spare blanket on him and tuck it neatly. After thinking that her job is done here, the woman takes a step away from her boss to go back to the receptionist desk.

But a cold hand suddenly reaches out and clasps itself to (Y/n)'s, "where are you going, after staring at a sleeping person ?"

'Oh shi-'

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now