My mind flashes back to biology class as I run. The holographic sceneries my teacher used to insert us in aren't even close to the feeling of being in the real thing: the woods. Those online WebQuests she made us take never had leaves crunching under our boots. They never let us smell the fresh air or feel the warm specks of sunlight on our skin.

I suddenly realize that I'm falling behind the rest of the group. I pump my legs quickly until they begin to burn with effort. They catch me up with the red suits in front of me within a dozen strides. In response, Peyton slows down a little to help me, saying, "Tired yet?"

"Not yet," I pant. "I'm coming."

"Wasn't that thrilling?" she adds with awe. "Blowing up those Screeners and running like maniacs from them?"

"I wouldn't say we blew them up," I say, raising my eyebrow at nowhere in particular.

"Fine, then we made them cower like the babies they are," she cackles. I instantly laugh, waiting for Tanner to tell her off for scaring me. He doesn't, so I assume that Peyton cut off our mics so it's a one-on-one conversation between us both.

"So are you from the Camps like Landon is?" I ask her with another pant. We hop over a few fallen tree branches and weave in between tree trunks.

"Yup," Peyton say, "We all are. Except you and-- what's his name, Steven?"


"Ah, yes, Stephen," Peyton laughs, "I haven't seen a boy that cute since forever."

"Right," I say with an all-knowing laugh.

"What?" she joke defensively. "Do I have bad taste in men?"

I burst out laughing, tripping and stumbling over an uneven patch of land. "I think you have great taste in men," I say while recovering my balance.

"I thought so," Peyton presumably smirks, "and we only have about 100 more yards until we reach the MaticBikes."


"You'll see," Peyton pants with an edge of suspense in her voice. "They're pretty dangerous."

Peyton and I decide to jog the rest of the distance, too tired to care about possible ambushes. As soon as we reach a sloping cavern in the floor of the forest, we spot Tanner, Stephen, and Landon waiting at the bottom for us. In from of them are three sleek, black, motorcycle-like MaticBikes.

"Pick your weapon of destruction, Peyton," Tanner taunts loudly, whipping off his helmet and shaking out his hair.

Peyton grins, running down the steep slope with me behind her. She hops onto the MaticBike straddled between the two others, and she waves me over to sit with her. Tanner clicks his helmet back on his head, telling Stephen to ride with Landon.

I kick my way across a layer of dead leaves before reaching Peyton. Climbing onto the seat behind her, a black seatbelt wraps by itself around me. I slip my arms through the large loops in the leather belt. The buckle clicks after a few seconds, forming a seatbelt "X" across my torso.

Blue holographic controls burst from the MaticBike handlebars. A large, blue circle labeled "start" blinks in anticipation, waiting to be tapped.

"Let's ride, Screeners," Tanner jokes seriously, pushing his holographic button and speeding off through the woods. Peyton lets out a laugh before pushing her own button. The MaticBike races after Tanner, somehow hovering above the ground, and my chest is thrown against the seatbelt.

Cold air rushes into my lungs, forcing excited fear and hyper exhilaration through my body. The feeling of flying and accelerating is too shocking for me to fear and too foreign for me not to grin behind my visor.

-- -- -- -- --

updating days are now wednesday's! *cue the disco dance party*

and the winning choice was surprise encounter in case you didn't catch it ;)

this week's author's notes will include TWO plot-affecting question and a prize question. comment your answers for either or both to show that you actually read the author's notes lol!

Question: Pick a number: .5 , 1, or 1.5

Follow-up Question: Choose a phrase: small meeting or small detail.

Prize Question: Tag 3-4 (or more) of your Wattpad friends that you think would enjoy Enhancement ;) All responders will have their profiles checked out/ stalked upon by me!

And now for a fun knock-knock joke:

knock, knock.

...who's there?


...who who?

Who who! Big summer blowout!

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