"Anyway back to what happened. You want to make him jealous, right?" she asks.


"Great, I'm happy to help you."

"You would do that for me?"

"Yeah sure, we're friends. Plus my life is pretty boring right now, I need something exciting."

Gosh, I would have never thought that she would do something like this for me. I mean we once faked dating, but it wasn't for this purpose.

"By the way, have you seen his face when you put your hand around me?" she started laughing. "His whole body was tense and his eyes were digging into my skin. I think we're doing pretty well."

I join her and we're both laughing. Louis was jealous. Maybe he still feels something towards me. Nope, what a nonsense, he's engaged and he loves Eleanor. He's definitely over me.

"Thank you, Kendall," I pull her into a tight hug. 

"Just imagine him seeing this hug," she whispers into my ear and I can't help but chuckle.

"Harry, can I be honest with you?" she asks when we pull away.


"I think that he's not that happy with Eleanor as he used to be with you."

"Why do you think so?"

If he wasn't happy with her, why would he propose?

"You and Louis are like Cinderella and Prince Charming, like a moon and a star, like fries and ketchup. You belong together. You may have been different but that brings you together. You complete each other. There is a way how he used to look at you, like you were his everything, but when he looks at Eleanor there is simply nothing in his eyes. You two are made for each other. I said it few years ago and I'll say it again and again untill you two finally realise that I'm right."

She finishes and I can't believe that she really thinks all of this. My eyes are starting to water and I pull her into another tight hug.

"B-but what can I do? He left me 2 years ago, then ignored all of my calls and now he's engaged. There is no chance for us to get back together,." I have to really try not to cry in front of all the people and cameras.

"I know, I know. However I don't think he would leave just like that. He loved you more than anything, I'm sure he had to have a very serious reason to do what he did."

"You think so?" 

This is a very sensitive topic for me to talk about. I am not sure if I want to believe her, beause he broke my heart into many pieces 2 years ago and I can't let the hopes get high again. I don't wanna be hurt again.

"Definitely. You know what let's show him what he has lost." There is a smirk on her face and I'm excited for what she has planned.


The next day photos and videos from the engagement party are released. I scroll through all of them. There are many of Louis and Eleanor laughing and hugging each other. She has a huge engagement ring on her finger. I haven't notice it when I talked to her. But to be honest I wasn't looking at her.

I keep scrolling, there are many other celebrities. Everyone seems to have fun. 

One of the last photos is a pic with me and Kendall. It was taken right when we walked away from Louis and his fiancée and Kendall hugged me. There is also a text under it. 

Is the grammy winner Harry Styles dating very famous model Kendall Jenner again?

This is interesting, I take a look at the comments under it.

Yeees, my favorite pair!!!

Hendall all the waaaay.

They look so cute together, awww.

Ew, I still ship Larry.

I have to smile, reading the last. Our fans have always suspected that me and Louis are dating. Well, we were but no one could know. 

On the other hand there were many poeple who shipped me with someone else and the thought of me being with a guy disgusted them. There were a lot of fights between larries and anti larries. Honestly I've always wanted to throw up while reading those words they said to each other.

It. Is. My. Life. 

It's not their love life they all talk about. They have no right to talk shitty about whoever I am with. It hurts me when I see poeple saying that they like my music but don't respect me as a person. I am a human being and I shouldn't be treated differently only because I am famous.

Don't get me wrong I love my fans more than anything. I own them for everything they do for me. I am where I am thanks to them. They mean so much to me.

However sometimes I wish I was not famous. I could live a normal life with a normal partner. I could do whatever I want and not everyone would know about everything I do. No one would control my life and I would be free.

That day I fall asleep thinking about a life I could have had if I didn't participe in The X Factor.


Hey guys!

Uff, this chapter was harder to write than I expected. 

Anyway I hope you liked it.

Vote and comment <3

Mary x

Things I can't//Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now